Thursday, May 31, 2007

from Leo...

Dear Acne,

What does Mother Teresa have to do with beautiful, acne-free skin?

You'll never guess what it is.

Find out in this issue of your newsletter.To grab your copy go to
the link below...


P.S. Why is acne-free skin your birthright? Get the interesting
answers a healer told me in your next issue of your newsletter.

Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved
Newsletter Fulfillment Service, Suite 2161, 9 Tanbark Circuit, Werrington Downs, NSW 2747, AU

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Review of new Fruit Flush 3-day detox diet from Jay Robb

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear readers,


There was huge interest in yesterday's story about the soap nuts product that replaces laundry detergent with a natural soap that grows on trees. We literally sold out our entire inventory of the product in a single day!


But don't worry: We're expecting a new delivery of product in 2-3 business days, so if you're ordering today, you'll still get your soap nuts. (And there's more on the way, too...) Click here for the original story.


Today, we bring you a review of Jay Robb's new "Fruit Flush Diet" book, which describes a way to flush toxins out of your liver and intestines using nature's own detox medicine: Fresh fruit! Check out the review below.


By the way, remember how China announced the execution of their top FDA official for accepting bribes from drug companies? We're working on a new CounterThink cartoon based on this development, and it promises to be quite hilarious. Watch for that soon.


Health: Jay Robb launches The Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox Diet
Detoxifying the body is a huge business -- there are hundreds of books, supplements, and kits that make up the multi-million dollar industry. A new solution from Jay Robb, founder of the company best known for its protein products, promises a unique solution...

Health: Glucosamine-like supplement inhibits multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes
A glucosamine-like dietary supplement has been found to suppress the damaging autoimmune response seen in multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes mellitus, according to University of California, Irvine health sciences researchers. In studies...

To your health,

- Mike Adams 

Coupon Codes for NewsTarget subscribers

These are the discounts we've negotiated for NewsTarget readers (we earn nothing on these products):


Good Cause Wellness: 10% off any aloe vera product

Adams' comments: An amazing new aloe vera gel powder. Medicinally active, yet easy to store and use. Add a teaspoon to any smoothie recipe.

Use code: AVTEN


Empowered Foods: Free shipping on any order over $50 (cont. U.S. only)

Adams' comments: An amazing assortment of 100% raw and delicious chocolate + superfood products.

Use code: newstarget


Wellness Resources: An extra 5% discount off for NewsTarget readers

Adams' comment: This is on TOP of the existing discounts at Wellness Resources, which are around 25%. Outstanding products with quality ingredients. This is Byron Richards' company.

Use code: NEWSTARGET (Must be entered in ALL CAPS)

Eidon Minerals: Free shipping on any order over $50 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: Outstanding source of trace minerals. I recommend the 2 oz. concentrates.
Use code: Eidon05

Theo Chocolate: 10% off any order over $30 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: My favorite chocolate bar, with an incredible 92% cacao content. Made in Seattle.
Use code: THNT07 (enter it in the "comments" section on any order. The 10% off does not apply to shipping.) 10% off all products for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: I strongly recommend their Rejuvenate superfood product (which is already 10% off through June 1st), and their Kids Mighty-Multi (which is 25% off). Use this code to get an extra 10% off on top of that!
Use code: NT2007

More discount codes coming soon...

Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.

The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa


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The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

China executes FDA leader + new natural laundry product

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear readers,


China knows how to deal with FDA corruption. Yesterday, China's leaders announced the execution of their former top FDA official, who was caught accepting over $800,000 in bribes from drug companies. Guest writer Byron Richards offers an analysis of this story (below).


It's interesting that accepting bribes in China is punishable by death while accepting bribes in the USA is punishable by promotion to the head of the FDA. Whoever is the most corrupt shall be put in charge of America...


Also today, we have fascinating news about a new natural laundry product that literally grows on trees! They're called "soap nuts," and they've been used for centuries by the people of India and Indonesia as natural laundry detergents. Our review of this all-natural laundry product reveals what it is and where you can get some! (US, UK, Canada, Ireland, but so far we have no retailer to recommend in Australia...)


Click any headline below for the full story:


Health: Revolutionary laundry soap product grows on trees, replaces laundry detergent with eco-friendly solution
I've discovered an amazing new product that replaces commercial laundry detergents with a natural soap that literally grows on trees! This is a very big deal because the laundry room is one of the most toxic rooms in the home of a typical consumer. Commercial...

Health: China sentences ex-head of FDA to death over drug company bribes
The penalty in China is death, in America it's business as usual. Zheng Xiaoyu, the former head of China's FDA, was sentenced to death for accepting $832,000 in drug company bribes and for dereliction of duty. Like China, our country is in the middle...


To your health,

- Mike Adams 

Coupon Codes for NewsTarget subscribers

These are the discounts we've negotiated for NewsTarget readers (we earn nothing on these products):


Good Cause Wellness: 10% off any aloe vera product

Adams' comments: An amazing new aloe vera gel powder. Medicinally active, yet easy to store and use. Add a teaspoon to any smoothie recipe.

Use code: AVTEN


Empowered Foods: Free shipping on any order over $50 (cont. U.S. only)

Adams' comments: An amazing assortment of 100% raw and delicious chocolate + superfood products.

Use code: newstarget


Wellness Resources: An extra 5% discount off for NewsTarget readers

Adams' comment: This is on TOP of the existing discounts at Wellness Resources, which are around 25%. Outstanding products with quality ingredients. This is Byron Richards' company.

Use code: NEWSTARGET (Must be entered in ALL CAPS)

Eidon Minerals: Free shipping on any order over $50 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: Outstanding source of trace minerals. I recommend the 2 oz. concentrates.
Use code: Eidon05

Theo Chocolate: 10% off any order over $30 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: My favorite chocolate bar, with an incredible 92% cacao content. Made in Seattle.
Use code: THNT07 (enter it in the "comments" section on any order. The 10% off does not apply to shipping.) 10% off all products for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: I strongly recommend their Rejuvenate superfood product (which is already 10% off through June 1st), and their Kids Mighty-Multi (which is 25% off). Use this code to get an extra 10% off on top of that!
Use code: NT2007

More discount codes coming soon...

Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.

The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa


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The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan

NewsTarget special report: Interview with Dr. Ray Strand

NewsTarget Insider Alert (
Online reports / book announcements
(Unsubscribe instructions at bottom)

Dear readers,

Do you think drug companies have your best interests in mind? Before
you answer, I urge you to read "Live with Dr. Ray Strand" to uncover
shocking facts about the drug industry and your health.

Dr. Strand is a classically trained physician with more than 30 years
of experience in health care, and in this interview he reveals why he
believes many consumers are being harmed and even killed by commonly
prescribed medicines. He is a respected author of several widely
published books, including "Death By Prescription" and "What Your
Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You."

Many of the insights he shares in his recent books are also discussed
in this interview. The full interview is available now as a download:

The information in this interview is vital for the wellbeing of
everyone who relies on conventional medicine to treat disease. Read
"Live with Dr. Ray Strand" to find out why he believes most drugs are
not adequately tested, and how you might be a human guinea pig without
knowing it. He also explains why he has come to believe that
nutritional therapies are far more effective than many of the pills
doctors give their patients.

Read "Live with Dr. Ray Strand" to learn:

* How Dr. Strand discovered the healing powers of nutritional

* Alarming statistics about the number of people who die from
prescription drugs

* Why the current reporting system for drug side effects is failing

* Tips on using vitamin supplements to boost your immune system

* Why over-the-counter painkillers cause hundreds of thousands of
medical emergencies each year

* Why only 1% of the population is meeting RDA nutritional
requirements through diet alone

* How to prevent disease with nutritional supplements

* Why treating heart disease with cholesterol-lowering drugs fails to
treat the problem

* How pressure to use medications is resulting in an overly medicated

* How drugs have to kill thousands before they are pulled off the

* Why supplements are better than drugs at fighting disease

... and more.

Get it now at:

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

P.S. This is one of our most popular downloads. Tens of thousands of
people have already enjoyed the information found in this interview.
Don't miss this one!



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The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing,
which is solely responsible for all content.
Truth Publishing International, Ltd.
12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District,
Taipei 105, Taiwan

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Economic imperialism and the exporting of disease

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear readers,


Following the Memorial Day weekend in the U.S., we have an article on economic imperialism that describes how corporations are invading world nations without firing a single shot. We also have a new cartoon on the same topic (see below). The article text and cartoon explanatory text are identical, by the way.


For the record, I support America's veterans, but I am opposed to all war other than defending your own land from an invading force. I believe the best way to protect our soldiers is to get them out of harm's way (bring 'em home!) and give them quality health care for a change.


Also today: An opinion article on disease mongering that originally ran as part of our Disease Mongering cartoon. Plus, we have a short article on a new hydrogen storage technology that could make hydrogen cars far more practical.


Click any headline below for the full story:


The new rules of imperialism: Economic warfare, consumer products and disease exports
History tells us that imperialist nations quite predictably invade weaker nations on a regular basis... especially when those weaker nations happen to be standing on valuable natural resources like oil or uranium. Thanks to this desire for strategic control...

New Warfare (comic)
History tells us that imperialist nations quite predictably invade weaker nations on a regular basis... especially when those weaker nations happen to be standing on valuable natural resources like oil or uranium. Thanks to this desire for strategic control...

Energy: Breakthrough on-demand hydrogen fuel generator may make hydrogen cars safe and practical
The Arizona-based company Ecotality has announced plans to produce a device that generates hydrogen on demand for vehicle fuel cells, thus eliminating the many problems associated with hydrogen production and transport and bringing hydrogen...

Health: Incessant disease mongering turns Americans into profit-generating guinea pigs for Big Pharma (opinion)
Disease mongering - the practice of pushing disease in order to sell more drugs - has become so routine and so successful in modern medicine that drug companies actually depend on inventing new diseases as a way to ensure future profits. It's not enough...

To your health,

- Mike Adams 

Coupon Codes for NewsTarget subscribers

These are the discounts we've negotiated for NewsTarget readers (we earn nothing on these products):


Good Cause Wellness: 10% off any aloe vera product

Adams' comments: An amazing new aloe vera gel powder. Medicinally active, yet easy to store and use. Add a teaspoon to any smoothie recipe.

Use code: AVTEN


Empowered Foods: Free shipping on any order over $50 (cont. U.S. only)

Adams' comments: An amazing assortment of 100% raw and delicious chocolate + superfood products.

Use code: newstarget


Wellness Resources: An extra 5% discount off for NewsTarget readers

Adams' comment: This is on TOP of the existing discounts at Wellness Resources, which are around 25%. Outstanding products with quality ingredients. This is Byron Richards' company.

Use code: NEWSTARGET (Must be entered in ALL CAPS)

Eidon Minerals: Free shipping on any order over $50 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: Outstanding source of trace minerals. I recommend the 2 oz. concentrates.
Use code: Eidon05

Theo Chocolate: 10% off any order over $30 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: My favorite chocolate bar, with an incredible 92% cacao content. Made in Seattle.
Use code: THNT07 (enter it in the "comments" section on any order. The 10% off does not apply to shipping.) 10% off all products for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: I strongly recommend their Rejuvenate superfood product (which is already 10% off through June 1st), and their Kids Mighty-Multi (which is 25% off). Use this code to get an extra 10% off on top of that!
Use code: NT2007

More discount codes coming soon...

Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.

The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa


Not yet a subscriber? Sign up at:

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Privacy policy:

The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan

CounterThink cartoon: Old warfare vs. new warfare

CounterThink Cartoons
(Please forward to others who may also want to see this.)
Unsubscribe instructions at bottom

In today's CounterThink cartoon, we depart from the usual themes of medicine and health to explore how economic imperialism is overtaking military imperialism as the invasion method of choice for dominant nations...

Click here to read the full commentary on this cartoon. You can also vote on this cartoon or post your comments.

To link to this comic from any website, use this web address:

Check out our Disease Mongering Engine where you can instantly generate your own fictitious diseases and disorders!

See the entire collection of CounterThink comics at:

You are hereby granted permission to re-publish this CounterThink cartoon on any website or publication, royalty-free, through January 1, 2008. No written permission required. Hi-res versions available upon request. Contact us for details:

- Mike Adams, creator of the CounterThink cartoon series, and editor of

Own the CounterThink collection!

Now available exclusively from Truth Publishing. CounterThink Vol. 1 features the first 50 CounterThink comics in a softcover format.

Includes never-before-published cartoons that aren't available on the websites, plus all-new descriptions and detailed commentary from Mike Adams. Limited quantities! Click here for details.

Disclaimer: Counterthink Cartoons are NewsTarget parodies or satirical commentary on various matters we believe to be of public concern and are offered as Free Speech within the protection of the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Any trademarks or servicemarks used in the cartoons are the property of their respective owners.

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Privacy policy:

This CounterThink cartoon update is published by Truth Publishing,
which is solely responsible for all content.
Truth Publishing International, Ltd.
12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District,
Taipei 105, Taiwan

Sunday, May 27, 2007

from Leo...

Dear Acne,

What's the most common mistake I see acne sufferers make preventing
them from getting results?

Find out what it is and how to avoid it in this issue of your

Get you copy at the link below...


P.S. Coming soon...
Does the wrong diet cause acne? Get the straight answers to the
most misunderstood acne question in the next issue of your

Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved
Newsletter Fulfillment Service, Suite 2161, 9 Tanbark Circuit, Werrington Downs, NSW 2747, AU

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hidden FDA word games + other news

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear readers,


Happy Friday! Today we have a fun item for you that explores word games (anagrams) using "Food and Drug Administration". Did you know that if you add a "C" and rearrange the letters, it spells DRUG ADS FORM ADDICTION NATION?


We've also published stories on how dietary fats block antioxidants, and an e-waste story that shows Apple Computer getting an "F" on environmental stewardship.


Click any headline below for details. And if you live in the U.S., enjoy the 3-day holiday!


Health: Food and Drug Administration anagrams and word games (satire)
Anagrams can be fun to play with. They're word scrambles where you take the letters of a word or phrase and mix them up (without adding or taking away letters) to make new and interesting phrases. For example, the name "William Shakespeare" can be scrambled...

Health: Dietary fats reduce effectiveness of antioxidants like vitamin C
The anti-cancer benefits of vitamin C can be dramatically reduced by intake of dietary fats, according to a new study conducted at the University of Glasgow. The results of the study, which simulated what happens in the human stomach, were presented earlier...

Technology: Apple Computer gets failing grade on toxic chemicals, e-waste recycling
Apple Inc. has been ranked worst among 14 leading electronics manufacturers in a new Greenpeace survey that evaluated companies based on their use of toxic chemicals and commitment to recycling obsolete products. Toxic waste arising from...

To your health,

- Mike Adams 

Coupon Codes for NewsTarget subscribers

These are the discounts we've negotiated for NewsTarget readers (we earn nothing on these products):


Good Cause Wellness: 10% off any aloe vera product

Adams' comments: An amazing new aloe vera gel powder. Medicinally active, yet easy to store and use. Add a teaspoon to any smoothie recipe.

Use code: AVTEN


Empowered Foods: Free shipping on any order over $50 (cont. U.S. only)

Adams' comments: An amazing assortment of 100% raw and delicious chocolate + superfood products.

Use code: newstarget


Wellness Resources: An extra 5% discount off for NewsTarget readers

Adams' comment: This is on TOP of the existing discounts at Wellness Resources, which are around 25%. Outstanding products with quality ingredients. This is Byron Richards' company.

Use code: NEWSTARGET (Must be entered in ALL CAPS)

Eidon Minerals: Free shipping on any order over $50 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: Outstanding source of trace minerals. I recommend the 2 oz. concentrates.
Use code: Eidon05

Theo Chocolate: 10% off any order over $30 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: My favorite chocolate bar, with an incredible 92% cacao content. Made in Seattle.
Use code: THNT07 (enter it in the "comments" section on any order. The 10% off does not apply to shipping.) 10% off all products for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: I strongly recommend their Rejuvenate superfood product (which is already 10% off through June 1st), and their Kids Mighty-Multi (which is 25% off). Use this code to get an extra 10% off on top of that!
Use code: NT2007

More discount codes coming soon...

Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.

The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa


Not yet a subscriber? Sign up at:

Please DO NOT reply to this email. To contact NewsTarget, email:

Privacy policy:

The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The pill that ends periods forever + new FDA memo uncovered

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear readers,


The FDA has approved a new pill that ends menstruation forever. It's all part of western medicine's desire to classify womanhood as some sort of disease. From childbirth to menstruation, nearly every experience unique to womanhood is now considered a medical condition. Read my opinion piece below for full details on why a male-dominated medical system keeps coming up with these insane treatments that ultimately harm women...


Also today, Public Citizen has gone public with a previously-hidden FDA memo that demonstrates the agency knew about the dangers of a diabetes drug, yet did nothing to protect the public. In fact, the FDA buried the information and refused to take action to require new warning labels or review the drug's safety.


Click any headline below for the full story:


Health: FDA approves pill that stops periods; is womanhood a disease? (opinion)
Conventional medicine has, for decades, preyed upon the "symptoms of womanhood" and attempted to transform every female activity from childbirth to menstruation into a disease requiring chemical treatment. Today, the FDA approved Lybrel, a daily pill...

Environment: Scientists issue urgent warning over global mercury contamination of fish
An international group of scientists has released the Madison Declaration on Mercury Pollution, warning that mercury exposure is now a public health problem in almost every part of the world and that the problem of mercury pollution is only getting more...

Health: FDA Knew of Avandia's Dangers Nearly Five Years Ago, Memo Shows
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew nearly five years ago about the dangers associated with the diabetes drug Avandia, an internal FDA memo shows. A study released Monday by the New England Journal of Medicine showed a 43 percent increase in heart...

To your health,

- Mike Adams 

Coupon Codes for NewsTarget subscribers

These are the discounts we've negotiated for NewsTarget readers (we earn nothing on these products):


Good Cause Wellness: 10% off any aloe vera product

Adams' comments: An amazing new aloe vera gel powder. Medicinally active, yet easy to store and use. Add a teaspoon to any smoothie recipe.

Use code: AVTEN


Empowered Foods: Free shipping on any order over $50 (cont. U.S. only)

Adams' comments: An amazing assortment of 100% raw and delicious chocolate + superfood products.

Use code: newstarget


Wellness Resources: An extra 5% discount off for NewsTarget readers

Adams' comment: This is on TOP of the existing discounts at Wellness Resources, which are around 25%. Outstanding products with quality ingredients. This is Byron Richards' company.

Use code: NEWSTARGET (Must be entered in ALL CAPS)

Eidon Minerals: Free shipping on any order over $50 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: Outstanding source of trace minerals. I recommend the 2 oz. concentrates.
Use code: Eidon05

Theo Chocolate: 10% off any order over $30 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: My favorite chocolate bar, with an incredible 92% cacao content. Made in Seattle.
Use code: THNT07 (enter it in the "comments" section on any order. The 10% off does not apply to shipping.) 10% off all products for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: I strongly recommend their Rejuvenate superfood product (which is already 10% off through June 1st), and their Kids Mighty-Multi (which is 25% off). Use this code to get an extra 10% off on top of that!
Use code: NT2007

More discount codes coming soon...

Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.

The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa


Not yet a subscriber? Sign up at:

Please DO NOT reply to this email. To contact NewsTarget, email:

Privacy policy:

The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan

from Leo...


Who is Roger and what does he have to do with your personal acne
challenge? Much more then you realize.

Find out in this issue of your newsletter.

To grab your copy go to the link below...


P.S. Coming up in your next issue...
What's the most common acne mistake I see acne sufferers make?
Find out what it is and how to avoid it.

Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved
Newsletter Fulfillment Service, Suite 2161, 9 Tanbark Circuit, Werrington Downs, NSW 2747, AU

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why the FDA's CAM Guidelines are a serious threat to your health freedom

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear readers,


In today's follow-up story on the FDA's new CAM Guidelines (the document that says the FDA can regulate vegetable juice as a drug), I counter the odd argument by some in the natural health community who say the CAM Guidelines are "no big deal." Read today's feature story to understand why all such power grabs inevitably expand beyond their original intent (and why your health freedom continues to be threatened by the FDA)...


Click any headline below for the full story:


Health: Read between the lines on the FDA's CAM Guidelines
If you've been following the debate over the FDA's new CAM Guidelines (click here for latest update) that threaten to destroy natural medicine by regulating herbs, supplements and even vegetable juices...

Environment: Air pollution of cities more dangerous to health than living near Chernobyl radiation zone
Living with a smoker or in a major city places a person at greater risk of early death than living in the radioactive exclusion zone around Chernobyl, according to a study conducted by scientists at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in...

To your health,

- Mike Adams 

Coupon Codes for NewsTarget subscribers

These are the discounts we've negotiated for NewsTarget readers (we earn nothing on these products):


Good Cause Wellness: 10% off any aloe vera product

Adams' comments: An amazing new aloe vera gel powder. Medicinally active, yet easy to store and use. Add a teaspoon to any smoothie recipe.

Use code: AVTEN


Empowered Foods: Free shipping on any order over $50 (cont. U.S. only)

Adams' comments: An amazing assortment of 100% raw and delicious chocolate + superfood products.

Use code: newstarget


Wellness Resources: An extra 5% discount off for NewsTarget readers

Adams' comment: This is on TOP of the existing discounts at Wellness Resources, which are around 25%. Outstanding products with quality ingredients. This is Byron Richards' company.

Use code: NEWSTARGET (Must be entered in ALL CAPS)

Eidon Minerals: Free shipping on any order over $50 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: Outstanding source of trace minerals. I recommend the 2 oz. concentrates.
Use code: Eidon05

Theo Chocolate: 10% off any order over $30 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: My favorite chocolate bar, with an incredible 92% cacao content. Made in Seattle.
Use code: THNT07 (enter it in the "comments" section on any order. The 10% off does not apply to shipping.) 10% off all products for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: I strongly recommend their Rejuvenate superfood product (which is already 10% off through June 1st), and their Kids Mighty-Multi (which is 25% off). Use this code to get an extra 10% off on top of that!
Use code: NT2007

More discount codes coming soon...

Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.

The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa


Not yet a subscriber? Sign up at:

Please DO NOT reply to this email. To contact NewsTarget, email:

Privacy policy:

The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan

NewsTarget special report: Secrets of Nutrition + aloe vera tips

NewsTarget Insider Alert (
Online reports / book announcements
(Unsubscribe instructions at bottom)

Dear readers,

Today I'd like to share with you some very personal secrets for
transforming your health and living a disease-free life. You see, even
though I'm known as the Health Ranger today, just a few years ago, I
was the average American: Overweight, exhausted, suffering from
chronic pain and on my way to becoming diabetic. I was eating junk
foods, avoiding exercise, and taking prescription drugs. I looked and
felt terrible.

Desperate for solutions, I began to read a book on the dietary
effects of sugar. This was my first introduction to the link between
nutrition and health, and it opened the door to a universe of
fascinating information that has now become my lifelong mission to
help promote.

Almost all chronic diseases are preventable, you see, including
cancer (90% preventable), type-2 diabetes (almost 100% preventable),
depression, heart disease, and literally hundreds of others. But only
if you learn and apply the fundamental laws of nutrition!

This is what I'd like to share with you today: The nutritional
secrets to a life free of chronic disease. In "Seven Laws of Nutrition,
" I've put together seven essential nutritional habits showing you
the fundamentals to not just preventing but actually HEALING chronic
disease. Following these guidelines will also give you the nutritional
foundation to reach a healthy body weight, eliminate joint pain,
enhance energy and performance and even overcome mental fatigue or
cognitive decline.

See it now at:

Those are bold statements, but when you finally understand the power
of nutrition to activate the body's self-repairing capabilities,
you'll recognize these claims as being "matter of fact" statements.
The body, simply put, can heal itself of nearly all chronic
degenerative diseases or conditions in much the same way it heals a
cut or a sprain. The human body is a self-repairing system, after all.
What you have to do is give it the right nutritional tools so it can
unleash its fullest healing potential. And that comes from natural
medicines found in the world of nutrition.

Having experienced a remarkable health transformation myself,
ultimately eliminating several different disease conditions in my own
body, I am passionate about helping other people make changes too. In
"Seven Laws of Nutrition," you will learn:

* How to make a delicious, healthy breakfast shake to start your
morning out right
* The documented correlation between poor nutrition and diseases
* How to obtain optimum nutrition from foods and supplementation
* Which typical Western foods are causing an astronomical rise in
obesity and diabetes
* 20 Superfoods that transform your health
* Where to find quality herbal, vitamin, and mineral supplements
* Why even obese Americans are suffering from malnutrition
* Top health-promoting foods and how these improve your well-being
* Why most diet foods are just as bad for you -- or worse -- than
regular varieties
...And much more

Whether you want to prevent chronic illness or get the nutritional
support to beat a disease you've already been diagnosed with, "Seven
Laws of Nutrition" gives you potentially lifesaving information that
lets you take charge of your health outcome. It's available in both
downloadable and hardcopy editions. Learn more at:

To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

P.S. Here's a health tip for boosting your cardio capacity: Aloe vera
has remarkable properties that actually boost the oxygen-carrying
capacity of your blood. By eating aloe vera gel (or drinking its
juice) on a regular basis, you may experience what I have: A
remarkable increase in cardiovascular performance, combined with rapid
recovery from physical exertion. At the gym, I've earned the nickname
"The Cardio Machine." My secret is aloe vera. The best way to get it?
Grow it yourself, then harvest the gel out of the thick leaves, blend
the gel into smoothies, and drink away! Aloe vera supplements are also
available from various vitamin companies, but the raw, fresh aloe vera
gel is always best.

P.P.S. Don't drink the aloe vera sap (the brown, resin-like liquid
found in the leaf skin) unless you have a lot of bathroom reading to
catch up on. Only eat the translucent aloe vera gel. Avoid aloe vera
supplements that are "whole leaf" supplements. You don't want the
whole leaf, only the gel.



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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

CounterThink cartoon: Is it a boy or a girl?

CounterThink Cartoons
(Please forward to others who may also want to see this.)
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Just published today: Our latest CounterThink cartoon about the environmental dangers posed by the widespread use of drugs...

Click here to read the full commentary on this cartoon. You can also vote on this cartoon or post your comments.

To link to this comic from any website, use this web address:

Check out our Disease Mongering Engine where you can instantly generate your own fictitious diseases and disorders!

See the entire collection of CounterThink comics at:

You are hereby granted permission to re-publish this CounterThink cartoon on any website or publication, royalty-free, through January 1, 2008. No written permission required. Hi-res versions available upon request. Contact us for details:

- Mike Adams, creator of the CounterThink cartoon series, and editor of

Own the CounterThink collection!

Now available exclusively from Truth Publishing. CounterThink Vol. 1 features the first 50 CounterThink comics in a softcover format.

Includes never-before-published cartoons that aren't available on the websites, plus all-new descriptions and detailed commentary from Mike Adams. Limited quantities! Click here for details.

Disclaimer: Counterthink Cartoons are NewsTarget parodies or satirical commentary on various matters we believe to be of public concern and are offered as Free Speech within the protection of the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Any trademarks or servicemarks used in the cartoons are the property of their respective owners.

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Truth Publishing International, Ltd.
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Taipei 105, Taiwan

Review of new anti-viral tincture containing 12 herbs

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear readers,


Continuing with our 7-part series on great new natural health products, today we feature a review of the Power Immune tincture from Fitura. It's a combination of twelve anti-viral herbs that's even better than the original AV product I recommended several years ago.


In this story, I talk about how Power Immune helped me beat flu symptoms overnight, and why every family should have a supply of this (or a similar product) to prepare against the next wave of infectious disease. It's also extremely useful as a defense when traveling on airplanes, and it's far superior to western medicine's antibiotics or vaccines (which are virtually useless against mutating viruses... )


Click any headline below for the full story:


Health: Product review: Power Immune anti-viral tincture from Fitura
Nearly three years ago, I recommended an anti-viral tincture product from a small company that has since closed its doors. It was one of my favorite herbal tincture products: A combination of twelve proven anti-viral herbs like cat's claw, olive leaf...

Energy: Automakers, Bush administration push flex-fuel cars while ignoring electric vehicles
President Bush joined with representatives of Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corp. and DaimlerChrysler earlier this year to highlight "flex-fuel" vehicles that are capable of running on either conventional gasoline or high-ethanol blends...

To your health,

- Mike Adams 

Coupon Codes for NewsTarget subscribers

These are the discounts we've negotiated for NewsTarget readers (we earn nothing on these products):


Good Cause Wellness: 10% off any aloe vera product

Adams' comments: An amazing new aloe vera gel powder. Medicinally active, yet easy to store and use. Add a teaspoon to any smoothie recipe.

Use code: AVTEN


Empowered Foods: Free shipping on any order over $50 (cont. U.S. only)

Adams' comments: An amazing assortment of 100% raw and delicious chocolate + superfood products.

Use code: newstarget


Wellness Resources: An extra 5% discount off for NewsTarget readers

Adams' comment: This is on TOP of the existing discounts at Wellness Resources, which are around 25%. Outstanding products with quality ingredients. This is Byron Richards' company.

Use code: NEWSTARGET (Must be entered in ALL CAPS)

Eidon Minerals: Free shipping on any order over $50 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: Outstanding source of trace minerals. I recommend the 2 oz. concentrates.
Use code: Eidon05

Theo Chocolate: 10% off any order over $30 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: My favorite chocolate bar, with an incredible 92% cacao content. Made in Seattle.
Use code: THNT07 (enter it in the "comments" section on any order. The 10% off does not apply to shipping.) 10% off all products for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: I strongly recommend their Rejuvenate superfood product (which is already 10% off through June 1st), and their Kids Mighty-Multi (which is 25% off). Use this code to get an extra 10% off on top of that!
Use code: NT2007

More discount codes coming soon...

Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.

The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa


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The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan

Monday, May 21, 2007

Aloe vera's amazing health benefits revealed

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear readers,


I've been wanting to bring you this story for nearly two years, but until now, there was no suitable product to recommend along with the report. But now a small, innovative company has launched a new line of high quality aloe vera gel powder, and I'm thrilled to bring you this report on the 22+ health benefits of aloe vera gel.


I consider this a must-read report for anyone interested in improving their health. Of all the herbs I've ever written about, aloe vera is my #1 choice for the most versatile and medicinally active herb of all time. And yes, I mean using it internally (eating the aloe!). Read today's feature story for full details:


Health: The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions
I'm truly excited to be bringing you this information today about the miraculous healing abilities of aloe vera...

Just posted: A NewsTarget PhotoTour that shows you how to harvest the aloe vera gel from the plant. Click the link below to view the pictures (I just took them yesterday, they're fresh!):


Please share these stories with others by forwarding this email or posted a link. The world needs to know about the astounding healing powers of aloe vera. This one plant alone could save the world tens of billions of dollars in health care costs over the next ten years, but only if people wake up to its astonishing medicinal applications. Spread the word, and you'll help others learn how they too can harvest and eat aloe vera gel. It's powerful medicine from nature!


To your health,

- Mike Adams 

Coupon Codes for NewsTarget subscribers

These are the discounts we've negotiated for NewsTarget readers (we earn nothing on these products):


Good Cause Wellness: 10% off any aloe vera product

Adams' comments: An amazing new aloe vera gel powder. Medicinally active, yet easy to store and use. Add a teaspoon to any smoothie recipe.

Use code: AVTEN


Empowered Foods: Free shipping on any order over $50 (cont. U.S. only)

Adams' comments: An amazing assortment of 100% raw and delicious chocolate + superfood products.

Use code: newstarget


Wellness Resources: An extra 5% discount off for NewsTarget readers

Adams' comment: This is on TOP of the existing discounts at Wellness Resources, which are around 25%. Outstanding products with quality ingredients. This is Byron Richards' company.

Use code: NEWSTARGET (Must be entered in ALL CAPS)

Eidon Minerals: Free shipping on any order over $50 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: Outstanding source of trace minerals. I recommend the 2 oz. concentrates.
Use code: Eidon05

Theo Chocolate: 10% off any order over $30 for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: My favorite chocolate bar, with an incredible 92% cacao content. Made in Seattle.
Use code: THNT07 (enter it in the "comments" section on any order. The 10% off does not apply to shipping.) 10% off all products for NewsTarget readers
Adams' comment: I strongly recommend their Rejuvenate superfood product (which is already 10% off through June 1st), and their Kids Mighty-Multi (which is 25% off). Use this code to get an extra 10% off on top of that!
Use code: NT2007

More discount codes coming soon...

Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.

The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa


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The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan