Dear readers,
Mind-body medicine is very powerful. That's because the body tends to express the health outcome that the mind believes. It doesn't mean you can become thin overnight simply by wishing it, but it does mean that creating any improved health outcome you desire (disease prevention, improved fitness, reduction of chronic pain, etc.) requires that your mind accepts the possibility in the first place.
And that brings me to an innovative mind-body enhancement technology that helps create new beliefs, ideas and possibilities that can lead you to a vastly improved health result. In the past, I've covered various hypnosis programs (which have their own strengths and applications), but today I'd like to share something new and unique: Paraliminal audio programs for health and wellness.
Click here to jump to my full review of these programs.
These paraliminal programs are unlike anything you've probably experienced before. Unlike typical hypnosis programs which have a single audio track guiding you into a suggestive state, these paraliminal programs deliver parallel audio tracks -- one in each ear -- that effectively bypass your conscious "reality filers" and install powerful new ideas, beliefs and possibilities directly into your subconscious mind.
How to bypass your conscious belief filters
The reason why this technique works so well is because our conscious minds challenge and filter anything directed to our immediate consciousness. For example, if someone walks up to you and says, "You enjoy engaging in moderate exercise," your conscious mind immediately questions that statement and either accepts it or rejects it based on what you already believe. If the statement isn't congruent with your existing beliefs (which may be based on false associations from your past), it gets rejected.
But if, during this statement, additional positive suggestions are perceived outside of conscious perception (in music lyrics, for example, or from a positive conversation about you happening in the background), your subconscious mind listens and processes those statements as possibilities, without your conscious filters getting in the way and rejecting those statements.
This technique works so well that advertisers use it all the time to install positive associations with their products. An ad for a seductive new line of cosmetic products, for example, doesn't come right out and say, "Wear this and you'll be sexy," but it installs that exact association through subliminal / subconscious messages implied by body language, tone, facial expressions and other channels -- all while your conscious mind is being distracted by whatever the advertising models are actually saying.
Mainstream advertisers, of course, exploit this technology to manipulate you to their advantage. And it works like gangbusters: It sells literally billions of dollars worth of cosmetics, soft drinks, beer, fashion clothing and even cars each year. It alters purchasing behavior even when consumers don't think it does.
With that sobering fact in mind, consider for a moment the unlimited possibilities of applying this same technology to your own mind in a positive way that has only your best interests in mind. If paraliminal programming can cause consumers to unknowingly alter their behavior to spend billions of dollars on products they don't really need, it can also cause people just like you to reconfigure your positive associations with healthy behaviors like exercise, healthy food choice, self-esteem, new habits and much more.
It's like having a highly influential marketing team working on transforming you into the healthiest, happiest, most abundant human being you can be! Click here to get the full story on Paraliminals and read about some of the results I experienced.
Upgrade your mind's beliefs while you go about your day
What's really great about these Paraliminal audio programs is that you don't even have to lie down and relax for thirty minutes to receive their benefits. I listen to them while jumping rope, and I've heard of others using them while mowing the lawn or doing laundry. Any activity during which you're "zoning out" and letting your conscious mind drift is an excellent time to listen to these Paraliminal programs with a set of headphones and receive their full benefit! (The only exception to this is while driving. These audio programs can be quite relaxing, so it's not safe to listen while operating a vehicle.)
That makes them really time efficient, and that's important to a person like me who already has way too many demands on my time. So I double up on the Paraliminals and listen while cycling, stretching, walking my dog and other activities. In this way, it essentially takes zero time out of my day, yet it delivers all the benefits that help me maintain a healthy weight, stay motivated to exercise regularly, and produce extraordinary personal results, day after day.
This technology is now available to NewsTarget readers
To share these benefits with NewsTarget readers, I asked the Learning Strategies Corporation -- that's the company that produces these programs -- to allow us to add these products to our Truth Publishing shopping cart. I also insisted that they offer a discount or special offer to NewsTarget readers, because I'm always looking for a way to bring you the best deal I can negotiate. They agreed to honor a "buy 3, get 1 free" deal that essentially allows you to pick up four of these programs for the price of three. Click here to take advantage of this offer.
By the way, I also insisted that all the programs be 100% satisfaction guaranteed, because I want NewsTarget readers to be fully protected from any risk involved in trying these out. So you can try these programs yourself for up to 365 days (a full year!), and if you're not happy with them for any reason, you can return them for a full refund (less shipping).
Six selected programs for maximizing your personal results
With our focus on health and wellness, I personally selected six Paraliminal programs designed to address the most common health challenges among NewsTarget readers. These programs are:
Anxiety Free - Helps you eliminate stress, relax your body and mind, and start experiencing numerous health benefits. As you may know, stress depletes vitamins and minerals, plus it results in endocrine imbalances that promote fat storage. Eliminating chronic stress is an important prerequisite for lasting health and well being.
Break the Habit - This is a phenomenal Paraliminal program for anyone wishing to get over an unhealthy habit such as smoking cigarettes, drinking way too much coffee, devouring ice cream late at night, or binging on snack foods. No matter what your behavioral addiction, Break the Habit can help you reshape your beliefs and behavior in a way that's congruent with your long-term health goals.
Ideal Weight - Focused specifically on healthy body weight, this Paraliminal program helps create the right mental environment for nurturing any weight loss effort. It's fully compatible with any diet strategy or exercise program, and it's especially effective for those who have a hard time believing that they can really succeed with lasting weight loss. Listen to this program a few hours each week, and you'll find your own beliefs about your body weight improving naturally and steadily.
New Behavior Generator - I especially like this program for reinforcing any NEW health undertaking such as an exercise program or wellness activity. We all recognize that certain behaviors can greatly improve our health and fitness -- if we could only stick to them, right? This New Behavior Generator Paraliminal program helps you create what I call a "mental habit" for desired behaviors. It's wonderful mind-body support for anyone diving into something new, such as aerobics, dance, pilates or yoga.
Perfect Health - The mind's power over your body is so strong that doctors have documented truly miraculous changes in physiology due to beliefs alone. Although these reports are discounted by conventional medicine, they've been observed and well documented in patients throughout medical history: "Permanent" skin conditions have disappeared due to placebo effects, blood pressure has been normalized and patients have achieved miraculous recoveries from degenerative disease using nothing but the power of the mind. One multiple personality patient was documented as having type-2 diabetes in one personality, yet showing no sign of the disease in her alternate personality. How can this be? Because the mind controls the physiology, and this Perfect Health Paraliminal program empowers your mind to take control over your physiology to create a profound healing effect. I recommend this program for anyone in a healing process, including recovering from degenerative disease, surgery or sports injuries.
Youthful Vitality - Wouldn't it be nice to have the energy and vitality you experienced in your youth? Imagine how much more you could accomplish in your life if you awoke each day full of energy, ready to face the world with a sense of optimism and personal power. While this Youthful Vitality program is not a replacement for exercise and nutrition, it's a remarkable "mind supplement" that can accelerate the effectiveness of everything else you do to increase your energy and vitality.
Scientists know that people can effectively turn back the clock on biological aging. If you're 35 and exhausted, there's hope for real change. With the right help (mind, body, nutrition and exercise), you can be 36 and invigorated! How do I know? I was once 31 and exhausted, depressed, prediabetic and suffering from chronic pain. Today, I'm 37 and I have more strength, energy and stamina than I did seven years ago. From a biological standpoint, I'm actually younger today than I was almost a decade ago! It takes effort, of course, but with programs like Youthful Vitality, you now have the help and support of new, innovative technology that makes the entire health transformation process easier.
Those are the programs we now carry. Click here to see them yourself. Everything comes with a one-year satisfaction guarantee, plus my personal recommendation for quality and effectiveness. As you well know, I'm very selective about the health-related products I endorse, and this is one line of products that I openly and happily recommend to anyone who's genuinely interested in making a lasting change for the better.
Consider this, too: If you've tried other health programs and got stuck at a plateau, it could be that you hit a brick wall of internal beliefs. Until you discover and adopt new, empowering beliefs about your body and your health, it's like trying to swim upstream. But once your mind gets behind your effort, it's like cruising along in a powered motorboat. That's why I've always said: Get your body and your mind working in the same direction, and the results seem almost effortless.