Wednesday, June 6, 2007

NewsTarget book alert: Bird Flu solutions + vinegar tip

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Dear readers,

Although it's disappeared from the news headlines, the bird flu virus remains uncontained. It's thriving in the wild and could mutate into a human form without any notice. Governments remain woefully unprepared for the possibility of a human outbreak of this H5N1 virus. The public is being lulled into a false sense of security with the same old rhetoric about vaccines, but there simply won't be enough vaccines to go around, not by a long shot.

"Given the high level of global traffic, the pandemic virus may spread rapidly, leaving little or no time to prepare."  - World Health Organization

"Even now, there is little to no excess capacity to absorb more patients, but when pandemic flu arrives there will be a tidal wave of patients arriving in clinics and ERs nationwide. If it happens tomorrow, the system will collapse." - Dr. James A. Wilde of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia

To protect yourself and your family, learn the truth about the bird flu virus: How it may mutate, rapidly spread from nation to nation, and ultimately infect an estimated 30% of the world's population.

"It's the most dangerous influenza virus that I've ever seen." - Richard G. Webster, flu researcher at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.

For nearly two years, I've been investigating and reporting on the bird flu threat, using the same hard-nosed journalism and skepticism I apply to all my articles on medicine, pharmaceuticals, food companies and the FDA. The book I've authored, entitled, How to Beat the Bird Flu, offers hard-hitting reporting and preparedness strategies that can literally mean the difference between surviving a pandemic vs. becoming a victim.

"We truly feel that this present threat is likely to stretch our global systems to the point of collapse." - Dr Mike Ryan, director of epidemic and pandemic alert and response at the World Health Organization

If you want real solutions to the bird flu threat, and not some watered-down government assurances, get How to Beat the Bird Flu. In it, you'll learn:

  • How to be virtually immune to the flu, even without a vaccine.
  • How to survive bird flu if you're infected.
  • The big vaccine lie: Why flu vaccine shots don't work.
  • Alternative, underground "flu cures" that can literally save your life.
  • Expanded anti-viral product recommendations based on newly formulated products now available on the internet.
  • Which two mineral supplements are dirt cheap and yet provide powerful antiviral protection.
  • Real-world preparedness strategies for your home and family.
  • The complete bird flu preparedness checklist (you aren't safe until you've completed this list!)
  • A large bird flu preparedness section that covers everything you need to know to hold out in your home if a pandemic strikes (much like preparedness for natural disasters, but lasting a lot longer). This section includes a discussion of bird flu masks, safe use of anti-viral cleaning products, specific product recommendations and much more.

When I first wrote this book, no one was giving bird flu a second thought. It was a full year before a few smart readers began to think about preparing. But now, more people are taking precautions. Not just against the burd flu virus, but against any future infectious disease.

"Society just can't accept the idea that 50 percent of the population could die. And I think we have to face that possibility." - Robert G. Webster, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Webster is one of the world's leading infectious disease experts and is credited with being the first to discover the link between bird flu and human flu

Remember, don't be scared, be prepared. The bird flu is not difficult to survive or prepare for, but you must start ahead of the crowd, or you may be caught dangerously unprepared. Don't let this message scare you, let it motivate you to take action. A well-prepared individual (or family) has nothing to fear from the bird flu threat.

Bird Flu Defense Tip: Want a dirt-cheap antiseptic that kills bird flu viruses on surfaces like doorknobs and countertops? Combine regular bleach with white vinegar in a 1:1 ratio, pour the solution into a spray bottle, and you have a powerful antiviral / antiseptic solution. It's called "acidic bleach," and it spells instant death to superbugs, viruses, bacteria, molds and fungus. For EXTERNAL USE only, of course. Don't drink this, and don't put it in your food or water.

If you thought that tip was handy, get your hands on the wealth of preparedness advice in How to Beat the Bird Flu:

To your safety,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

P.S. I'm not kidding around with this information. As with any threat that's no longer headline news, most people won't prepare until it's too late. Don't be one of those people: Educate yourself about infectious disease preparedness ahead of the crowd, and you'll be prepared for not only bird flu, but ANY infectious disease pandemic that comes along.


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