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We've got two breaking stories to bring you today. First, new research shows that mammograms cause breast cancer, and many cancers simply heal themselves naturally, without intervention. This breaking story by our Health Sciences Editor Sherry Baker is available here:
We've also got a 3-part exclusive interview with the Utopia Silver Supplements company and its ongoing battles with the FDA. Read what's really happening with FDA censorship, oppression and tyranny in this 3-part series, which you can find here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
We've got a lot more for you in the headline stories below...
Today's Breaking News:
• Does Western Medicine Believe in Astrology? Babies Born in Autumn Have Greater Asthma Risk
• Patients Have Just Six Months to Claim Organs Stolen From Them By UK Hospital
• Retailer Bankruptcies Boost Online Shopping, E-Commerce
• Hairspray Linked to Genital Birth Defects
• Brain Surgeons Still Drilling Holes in Wrong Side of Heads
Today's Feature Stories:
Breast Cancer Rates Soar after Mammograms and Some Cancers may Heal Naturally A report just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association's Archives of Internal Medicine (Arch Intern Med. 2008;168[21]:2302-2303) reaches a startling conclusion. Breast cancer rates increased significantly in four... |
Plants from the Mint Family Found Highly Effective Against HIV and Herpes Herbs from the Lamiaceae family, also known as the mint family have been shown to drastically reduce the infectivity of HIV-1 virions, single infective viral particles. A research team from the University of Heidelberg has found that extracts... |
Study Shows Grapefruit Pulp May Reduce the Risk of Osteoporosis (NaturalNews) Consumption of red grapefruit pulp may increase bone strength and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, according to a study conducted by researchers from Texas A&M University and published in the journal Nutrition. Researchers castrated... |
Great News for Holiday Travelers: Pine Bark Cuts Jet Lag in Half If you've ever taken a super long flight that lasts seven to nine hours and crossed a time zone or two, you probably know that jet lag can make you feel just plain awful --- and it can keep you from enjoying your trip for at least a day or... |
The Sixth Species Extinction can Still be Avoided Human beings, having reached the 6.7 billion mark, have succeeded in modifying our environment to the point of harming the biodiversity of a wide variety of native species. We are even at the point now that our own long-term survival is in... |
Raw Food Expert Joel Odhner on Food Combinations and Menu Ideas for Entertaining This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Joel Odhner talks about food combinations and menu ideas for entertaining with raw foods. ... |
Study Shows Kiwifruit Ranked Among Highest in Antioxidants (NaturalNews) The antioxidants found in kiwifruit are absorbed by the body more effectively than those from other antioxidant-rich fruits, according to a study conducted by researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Arkansas Children's Nutrition... |
Reduce Risk of Macular Degeneration with Omega-Three The benefits of Omega-3 for reducing the risk of macular degeneration were revealed in a recent study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology . Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness and severe vision impairment... |
Texas Attorney General Sues Pharmaceutical Companies for Overcharging State Medicaid (NaturalNews) The Texas Attorney General's office has filed lawsuits against four manufacturers of generic prescription drugs, accusing them of illegally misreporting their drug prices in order to get more money out of the state Medicaid program. ... |
Agave Nectar, the High Fructose Health Food Fraud Agave nectar is advertised as a "diabetic friendly," raw, and a "100% natural sweetener." Yet it is none of these. The purpose of this article is to show you that agave nectar is in reality not a natural sweetener but a highly refined form... |
Pesticide Exposure Boosts Parkinson's Risk by 60 Percent (NaturalNews) A new study has provided one of the strongest links yet between pesticide use and Parkinson's disease. A team of researchers from Duke University, Miami University and the Udall Parkinson's Disease Research Center of Excellence has found... |
"World Wide Web Health Awards" Exposed as Having Ties to Pharmaceutical Industry (NaturalNews) According to an article posted on the Consumer Reports WebWatch site, the "World Wide Web Health Awards" are administered by a company with major financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry. "These days, a number of health sites display... |
Role of Hypnosis in Surgical Recovery for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Surgery is a very common occurrence in the United States. Surgeries are performed to diagnose and/or treat a condition. The three major concerns with any type of surgery are pain, bleeding, and infection. Taking small steps such as mandating... |
Joyful Music is Powerful Heart Medicine, Researchers Find Here's a totally natural, non-drug, side-effect-free way you can improve your heart health – listen to joyful music. That's not just some pie-in-the-sky platitude, it's the conclusion of a study just presented at the American Heart Association... |
New Evidence Linking Meat To Cancer Diets high in red and processed meats have long been associated with cancer of the large intestine. Now, however, for the first time scientists have looked at whether eating meat and other animal fats is also linked to cancers of the small... |
Your Beliefs Create the Marketplace You've heard the phrase, "Vote with your wallet." Well the votes are in. Ethical consumers are putting their money where their values are. This quiet revolution based on information and idealism is changing the marketplace. Chances are good... |
Get Focused and Save Yourself Thousands of Hours To manage one`s own health today, each person is going to have to become something of an expert in what is healthy and how to use it. This article will explain how to develop three standards by which to judge what is truly healthy in today`s... |
"Elderspeak" Can Negatively Affect Health of Older People It is quite common that many of us speak to older folks in a different manner and with a different tone. "Elderspeak" bears many traits which are similar to "baby talk", and these include simplified grammar and vocabulary, as well as overly... |
Urine Recycling Aboard the Space Shuttle (comic) NASA's $154 million urine recycling system on the space shuttle has broken down yet again, forcing astronauts to drink fresh water instead of recycled urine and sweat. (Gee, do ya think maybe the astronauts intentionally broke the machine so they could... |
Study Shows Green Tea Reduces Risk of Heart Disease (NaturalNews) Drinking green tea may help prevent heart disease and stroke, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Athens Medical School in Greece and published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention. "A couple... |
Whole Fruit and Green Leafy Vegetable Decrease Risk of Diabetes (NaturalNews) Eating as little as one more serving of green leafy vegetables or three more servings of whole fruit per day can significantly decrease the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tulane University... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
I've put together a detailed special report that's now posted for all NaturalNews readers. This report is entitled How to Build Your Financial Safety Net: Twelve Ways to Achieve Prosperity During (and After) the Global Financial Crisis. It's available right now at:
* Why the financial bailout will sharply devalue the dollar
* How to best insulate yourself (and your money) from financial turmoil
* Five things you should never buy (or spend money on) in pursuit of income streams
* How to determine which activities will keep you happy while earning revenue
* The 18 "basic human drivers" that influence ALL consumer purchasing decisions
* How to tap into the 18 human drivers in a way that's profitable and enjoyable
* The five absolute rules of marketing anything (without spending a fortune)
* Seven key ways to generate income streams on any topic
* Key questions to ask yourself that will practically guarantee your success
* Fifteen online resources to help with marketing, customer communications and more
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You've Got Great Karma, But How's Your Bank Account?
Read this special report to learn how to be financially wealthy as you live a life of spiritual richness...
I've just posted a special report called The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth. Read it right now at:
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Beyond "The Secret..." More revolutionary than "The Law of Attraction..." The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth reveals the foundational philosophy of attracting (and mindfully redistributing) enormous monetary wealth.
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.
The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.
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