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Here's a quick correction on the stevia story from two days ago (thanks for those readers who pointed this out): Stevia has actually *not* been GRAS approved by the FDA. Instead, the FDA has merely issued "letters of no objection" to stevia sweetener companies, essentially stating it would no longer seek to oppress or outlaw stevia sweeteners used in foods and beverages.
The upshot of this is that the FDA now has no authority by which it can attack even small stevia companies, so it has effectively opened the gates on stevia, and we should expect to see a flood of stevia-sweetened products hitting the market soon.
I disagree with the CSPI's opposition to stevia, which for some reason has been against stevia for many years. Stevia has been safely used for decades all over the world with zero negative side effects (unlike aspartame which still produces a flood of side effect reports at the FDA). For the record, I have no financial ties whatsoever with any stevia company, I've simply been a supporter of the sweetener (and a consumer of it) for well over a decade.
By the way, there's something really fishy going on between the FDA and Coca-Cola. I think they're at war over regulatory authority -- and Coca-Cola just trounced the FDA! Read my analysis of what's really happening with that situation here:
Also today, for those still looking to convert dollars to something real (like precious metals), I have a review of Golden Lion Mint today, which is a trusted provider of gold and silver that's well respected in the healing community. These folks are all about abundance, health and prosperity, unlike many gold companies that are based on fear and lack. So if you're interested in "high vibration" precious metals as a way to secure financial protection and abundance in the years ahead, check out my review of this company:
Once again, I have zero financial ties to Golden Lion Mint. I mention it here because I remain seriously concerned over the future of the U.S. dollar, and I want to see NaturalNews readers protected so they can have a happier, more financially abundant future.
By the way, if you're a really *advanced* long-time reader of NaturalNews, you won't want to miss this feature article on mind control, which is getting rave reviews:
More news below...
Today's Breaking News:
FDA Warns Coca-Cola Over Nutrient Claims in Diet Coke
Are the FDA and Coca-Cola at War Over Regulatory Power?
Was General George Patton Assassinated by the CIA?
Woman Sued After Saving Friend from Wrecked Car
Are You A Mind Slave? Milgram Experiments Reveal Strange Ease of Brainwashing People to Commit Torture
Today's Feature Stories:
Review: Golden Lion Mint is Trusted, Private Source for Gold and Silver (NaturalNews) As the rapid devaluation of the American dollar rapidly approaches, more and more people are looking for a safe place to store their savings. In previous articles, I've talked about the importance of putting some percentage of your savings... |
Try This Berry for Beautiful Skin Organic Sanddorn, or Sea Buckthorn is a vibrant orange coloured berry that has been known to be an incredibly nutritious fruit for centuries. It is one of the most perfect vegetable oils in the world. The Sanddorn berry is grown throughout... |
| Study Shows Immediate Environment Affects Blood Pressure (NaturalNews) The neighborhood that a person lives in has a significant effect on their risk of high blood pressure, regardless of income or education, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan School of Public Health... |
| Alpha Lipoic Acid: The Multi-Tasking Supplement If there is one highly competent, yet underrated supplement, it would have to be Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). ALA is not to be confused with the alpha-linolenic acid (also called ALA) found in flax, canola oil and walnuts. Lipoic acid, or thioctic... |
| What they don't tell you about the additives, colors and other things in your food If you think that the labels on food packaging tell you everything you need to know about the food inside, you'd better think again. Food labels are Greek and Latin to most people. And that is an understatement. Recently, there has been a... |
Taurine has Many Important Benefits for the Body Taurine, while not an actual part of the human body's structural proteins, is one of the highest numbering amino-acids. Taurine is found in the heart, the skeletal muscles, white blood cells, and the nervous system. When the body engages... |
Saturated Fats Also Linked to Small Intestine Cancer Saturated fats, often also referred to as bad fats or unhealthy fats, have unfortunately become a significant part of the average modern day diet. And a study recently published in Cancer Research has added to their long list of negative... |
Tryptophan Supplements Treat Depression Anti-depressant medications are widely used to treat depression and anxiety, but the side effects which often arise from the use of such medications cause many people to search for more natural methods of treating their depression. One of... |
| NASA Research Identifies Areas Suitable For Offshore Wind Farms (NaturalNews) Researchers from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., have used global satellite maps to identify the locations on earth that are most suitable for the placement of offshore wind farms, according to paper published... |
Google Becomes Government Spy The government, in a so called "attempt to protect the people from disease outbreaks," has recently colluded with Google to track what we are searching for. The reason: to track high concentrations of searches for "flu" related topics in... |
| Moderate Alcohol Consumption Shrinks Brain We have been told that moderate use of alcohol is good for the heart. However, reports from the Framingham Study show that moderate to heavy alcohol use is associated with damage to brain tissue. Such damage to the brain may lead to higher... |
Consumer Wellness Center Announces First $1000 Nutritional Grant Award for Education of Expectant Mothers (NaturalNews) On November 4th, we announced the Consumer Wellness Center Nutritional Grant Program, offering $1,000 grants to individuals or institutions that proposed creative ways to use the money for enhancing the health and nutrition of schoolchildren... |
Replication of Milgram's Shocking Experiments Proves 70 Percent of People will Torture Others if Ordered (NaturalNews) The Milgram experiments from the early 1960's are classic (but shocking) studies that demonstrated the "sheeple-ness" of people everywhere. In the experiments -- which have been replicated numerous times across multiple cultures, races and... |
| New Berry-Based Natural Sweetener "Brazzein" to Hit the Market in 2009 (NaturalNews) We've all heard about stevia, agave nectar, brown rice syrup and other natural sweeteners, but now a new sweetener derived from a West African berry has been successfully synthesized in a form compatible with mass production, and the company... |
| Growing Use of Antibiotics Concerns Health Officials (NaturalNews) Doctors in the United Kingdom need to drastically scale back on prescribing antibiotics for respiratory tract infections, according to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). NICE, the agency responsible for... |
| Omega-3: Protect Your Heart With These Miracle Fats According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men in the United States. The great irony is that cardiovascular disease is largely preventable. Have you taken the... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
I've put together a detailed special report that's now posted for all NaturalNews readers. This report is entitled How to Build Your Financial Safety Net: Twelve Ways to Achieve Prosperity During (and After) the Global Financial Crisis. It's available right now at:
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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