Tuesday, April 17, 2007

NewsTarget: How to reverse type-2 diabetes

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Dear readers,

There really is a way to reverse type 2 diabetes. I'm not talking
about just masking symptoms or controlling blood sugar, I'm talking
about an outright cure.

Let me share a personal story with you. Today I'm called the Health
Ranger, but I used to be borderline diabetic. I was overweight,
depressed and hypoglycemic. But by using the same nutritional and
lifestyle strategies I'm describing right here, I was able to lose 50
pounds of body fat, end my depression and stabilize my blood sugar.
Now I've been declared in a state of "perfect health" by my
naturopathic physician. Want to see the results for yourself? My
pictures and lab-certified blood chemistry statistics are publicly
posted at:

Although beating diabetes can seem hard, it's actually quite
straightforward (and far simpler than your doctor even realizes,
probably). In fact, a new study led by Christian Roberts of the
University of California, Los Angeles showed that Type 2 diabetes can
be REVERSED IN THREE WEEKS solely through lifestyle changes. An
astonishing 50% of study participants were declared completely free of
diabetes after completing the 3-week program!

That study shocked most doctors, but it didn't surprise me at all.
Long before that study had even begun, I had already written what has
now become our most popular health guide ever: "How to Halt Diabetes
in 25 Days," available now at:

This downloadable guide reveals, in plain language, how to halt and
even REVERSE type 2 diabetes using simple-to-follow strategies that
you'll never learn from practitioners of conventional medicine.

Here's some of what's covered in, "How to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days"

* What foods cause diabetes?

In "How to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days" I explain why most commercially
prepared foods contain diabetes-causing ingredients, which ones are
the worst, and how to avoid them. TIP: Did you know that white flour
contains a diabetes-promoting contaminant called alloxan?

* Can I treat diabetes without drugs?

Absolutely! In this guide, I've included the studies that prove
nutrition and exercise can CURE diabetes. I also show you how to
incorporate powerful, disease-fighting foods into every meal. TIP: Few
people know which foods actually stabilize your blood sugar swings. I
reveal them all.

* If nutrition makes such a difference, why aren't diabetes
organizations doing more to promote it?

"How to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days" reveals how these so-called
"disease groups" are more interested in managing diabetes (i.e.
keeping patients sick) than actually curing it. I also expose the
financial conflicts of interest and show that diabetes groups accept
millions of dollars each year from pharmaceutical companies that sell
insulin. One group took millions from the world's third-largest
manufacturer of candy!

* I've heard that diabetes can be linked to other diseases is this

The same harmful ingredients that cause diabetes contribute to other
diseases such as cancer, heart disease, depression, and arthritis.
They also increase your risk for gallstones, appendicitis, periodontal
diseases, and accelerated aging among others. In this guide, I reveal
how my "halt diabetes" plan also helps prevent these other major
degenerative diseases.

These are only a few of the topics covered in "How to Halt Diabetes
in 25 Days." The guide also reveals:

* How simple food changes have eliminated insulin injections for 70%
of diabetics.

* The shocking truth of why half of all limb amputations in America
are caused by diabetes.

* The 78 destructive metabolic consequences of eating sugar.

* Why diabetes is really a metabolic disorder, not a disease, and how
it can be halted in 25 days or less.

* How to get off insulin for the rest of your life.

* The one trace mineral that's almost always missing from the diets
of diabetics, and where you can find it.

... and much more.

If you're currently suffering from type 2 diabetes or other blood
sugar disorders (like hypoglycemia or hyperinsulinemia) this guide
could be the single most important health resource you'll ever
discover. These diabetes secrets saved me, I believe, from life as a
diabetic. They may hold great potential for helping you as well.

Imagine a life without insulin shots and without bleeding your
fingertips every day just to monitor your blood glucose level. Imagine
having healthy vision (diabetes often causes vision loss) and legs
that stay attached (amputations are far too common!). Imagine not
having to spend a fortune on insulin, diabetes drugs, and diabetic
supplies. I believe you can make that vision a reality by empowering
yourself with these secrets to curing type 2 diabetes.

This guide is available as an instant download or as hardcopy. Learn
more at:

To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger


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