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Halloween candy warning: Halloween candy purchased from reputable retailers may be contaminated with toxic melamine, which causes kidney failure, liver failure and death. Read my article alert on this subject here:
You can also download and print our Halloween Warning Sign and tape it to your front door to help educate other parents about the dangers of melamine in Halloween candy:
This is not a hoax. It's a serious issue. Watch this YouTube video to learn more:
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Today's Feature Stories:
Health: Halloween Warning: Candy Made in China May be Contaminated with Toxic Melamine
(NaturalNews) This Halloween, children across the United States may be poisoned with toxic melamine, a potentially deadly chemical that causes severe kidney damage, liver damage and even death. This chemical is found in chocolates and candy products made...
Health: Doctors Dishing out Antidepressants for PMS "Quick Fix"
(NaturalNews) Large numbers of women are being inappropriately treated with antidepressants when they actually have premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a British nonprofit has warned. "[PMS] can make you feel depressed or even suicidal" said Jackie Howe,...
Health: Study Shows Blueberries Lower Cholesterol in Pigs
(NaturalNews) Pigs experienced a significant reduction in cholesterol when fed a diet containing an amount of blueberries equivalent to only two cups in humans, in a study that researchers hope may be relevant to human health. The study was conducted...
Health: U.S. Doctors Should Prescribe Vitamins Rather Than Placebos
The New York Times reported recently that American doctors regularly prescribe placebos to patients. The survey involved 679 randomly chosen internists and rheumatologists, among them about half reported recommending placebos regularly...
Health: Purple GMO Tomato Inferior to Nature's Offerings
In what appears to be an attempt at softening the public`s attitude toward genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), British scientists have engineered a purple tomato, rich in antioxidants, by splicing certain genes from the snapdragon flower...
Health: Vitamin C Shown to Preserve Bone Density in Older Men
Vitamin C is often called "The king of the anti-oxidants" and for good reason. Vitamin C has shown to be effective in treating over forty-six separate health concerns in either a primary or supporting role. It has been shown to either diminish...
Health: Study Finds Grapes Offer a Bunch of Ways to Help Hearts
Love grapes? Hate heart disease risk factors? Here's good news for you: University of Michigan Cardiovascular research suggests eating grapes could lower blood pressure, help heal signs of heart muscle damage and improve heart function. Just...
Health: Author Dr. Carol Look (Part II): EFT to Achieve Personal Success
This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at In this excerpt, Dr. Carol Look shares the technique of Emotional Freedom Technique. The Fountain...
Health: The World's Top Five Superfoods for Silky Smooth Skin
(NaturalNews) When it comes to healthy-looking skin, nutrition beats cosmetics hands down. Creating radiant, glowing, youthful-looking skin can best be accomplished by focusing on what's inside, not by covering up the skin with artificial colors...
Health: Study Shows Grape Seed Extract (GSE) May Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
(NaturalNews) Supplementation grape seed extract can prevent the buildup of brain plaques that are associated with cell death and the development of Alzheimer's disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Alzheimer's Association, Constellation...
Society: Economy Woes Ignore True Health Concerns
Last Wednesday`s New York Times featured a story with the headline "In Sour Economy, Some Scale Back on Medications", which lamented the fact that "for the first time in at least a decade, the nation's consumers are trying to get by...
Health: Stay Alert This Halloween and All Year: Toxic Body Products
You may have heard that you should reduce the toxic assaults on your body and start to choose a healthier lifestyle by using safer alternative body care, skin care and hair care products. This is particularly important advice for anyone who...
Health: Spinning the Truth About the Halted NCI Prostate Cancer Study
The National Cancer Institute has announced a halt to its $114 million study of whether vitamin E and selenium can prevent prostate cancer, saying that they cannot and that they might even cause slightly elevated risks for more prostate cancer...
Health: Psych Ward Workers Ignore Dying Woman, Falsify Patient Records to Bury Incident
(NaturalNews) Examination of security videos has revealed that security guards and care workers in a New York hospital ignored a woman as she lay dying on the floor of a psych ward for more than a half hour. "Thank God for the videotape, because no...
Health: Using Hypnotherapy to Treat Children with Functional Abdominal Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Functional Abdominal Pain (FAP) is very common in children. Pain in the abdomen is diagnosed as FAP when the pain is chronic and there seem to be no other symptoms. Children should be checked by a medical professional to rule out other illnesses...
Regards, Health: Author Dr. Carol Look (Part I): Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at In this excerpt, Dr. Carol Look shares on foundations of Emotional Freedom Technique. The Fountian...
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
I've put together a detailed special report that's now posted for all NaturalNews readers. This report is entitled How to Build Your Financial Safety Net: Twelve Ways to Achieve Prosperity During (and After) the Global Financial Crisis. It's available right now at:
* Why the financial bailout will sharply devalue the dollar
* How to best insulate yourself (and your money) from financial turmoil
* Five things you should never buy (or spend money on) in pursuit of income streams
* How to determine which activities will keep you happy while earning revenue
* The 18 "basic human drivers" that influence ALL consumer purchasing decisions
* How to tap into the 18 human drivers in a way that's profitable and enjoyable
* The five absolute rules of marketing anything (without spending a fortune)
* Seven key ways to generate income streams on any topic
* Key questions to ask yourself that will practically guarantee your success
* Fifteen online resources to help with marketing, customer communications and more
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You've Got Great Karma, But How's Your Bank Account?
Read this special report to learn how to be financially wealthy as you live a life of spiritual richness...
I've just posted a special report called The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth. Read it right now at:
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Beyond "The Secret..." More revolutionary than "The Law of Attraction..." The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth reveals the foundational philosophy of attracting (and mindfully redistributing) enormous monetary wealth.
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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