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Did you know that the white sugar consumers are purchasing at the store is now being made from genetically-modified sugar beets? It's just one more reason to avoid refined sugars and processed foods. Read full details in today's feature story:
Also, check this out: Resveratrol halts the growth of pancreatic cancer cells! Read details at:
Also today: Read six surprising facts about soy (, an exclusive interview about Brown Seaweed Extract ( and the scam of medical ghostwriting in the drug industry (
Breaking News:
Starbucks Accused of Wasting Millions of Gallons of Fresh Water Every Day in "Drain" Scandal
Snickers, M&Ms, Kit Kat Bars Made in China Contaminated with Melamine
Flax Oil, Borage Oil Enhance Skin Health From the Inside Out
Psychiatric Doctors Routinely Fail to Report Million-Dollar Incomes from Drug Companies
Today's Feature Stories:
Health: White Sugar Now Coming From Genetically-Modified Sugar Beets
(NaturalNews) This year saw the first commercial planting of genetically modified (GM) sugar beets in the United States, with that sugar to hit the food supply soon after. Farmers across the country will soon be planting Monsanto's Roundup Ready sugar...
Health: Choosing Products That Promote Beauty and Well Being
Millions of Americans are adversely affected each year by a silent from of chemical warfare that's taking place every day within the comforts of our own homes. While we worry about the chemical weaponry of terrorists and lead-contaminated...
Health: ADHD Drugs May Pose Danger to Children with Heart Conditions
(NaturalNews) Children should get a heart exam before they start any drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), because those drugs may raise the risk of sudden cardiac death in children with preexisting heart conditions, the American...
Health: Reading Food Labels - Ensuring Excellent Nutrition
Each and every day, we consume products that have mandatory food labels -- Nutrition Facts. These labels are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are designed to inform the consumer of the actual components of the...
Health: FDA Gives Pet Food Companies a Loophole to By-Pass Law
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) is a set of laws passed by Congress in 1938 giving authority to the FDA to oversee and take legal action to protect the safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics - there have been many revisions...
Health: Artificial Turf Fields May Cause Lead Poisoning in Children
(NaturalNews) Certain varieties of artificial turf fields may expose children or adults to dangerous levels of lead, the New Jersey Health Department has warned. Lead is a neurotoxin that can cause developmental or mental impairment, and is particularly...
Energy: Hope for a Solar Future - U.S. Reverses Its Moratorium on Solar Energy Research
On June 27th of this year the NY times reported that The Bureau of Land Management put a two year moratorium on all government applications for solar energy production on public lands (1). They did this out of concern for "Environmental...
Health: Accomplish More With Intentional Distraction and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Tellman Knudson shares on intentional distraction to accomplish tasks with ADD. ...
Health: Resveratrol Found to Halt Growth of Pancreatic Cancer Cells
(NaturalNews) Recent research suggests that the antioxidant resveratrol, which naturally occurs in grape skins, can weaken pancreatic cancer cells and increase their vulnerability to chemotherapy. "Resveratrol seems to have a therapeutic gain by making...
Health: Epilepsy and Psychiatric Drugs like Neurontin Double Risk of Suicidal Behavior
(NaturalNews) The FDA issued a warning on earlier this year that anti-epileptic drugs double the risk of suicidal thoughts among people that take them, regardless of whether they are used as a treatment for epilepsy or other conditions. Anti-epileptics...
Health: Six Surprising Facts About Soy
When people think of living healthfully, usually what comes to mind is eating tofu or drinking soymilk. Why wouldn't they? After all, the popular magazines point to soy consumption as the ultimate form of health. This article will show some...
Health: How to Stay Healthy in the Computer Era (Part 1)
Let's begin your quest to stay healthy and fit in the computer era by addressing your foundation. Unless you have a health condition that makes it difficult to sit for a long period of time, your foundation while working on the computer is...
Health: Eight Weeks to a Healthier Lifestyle
Many of my clients tell me they want to live in a healthier way. They know they need to overhaul their eating, but don't know where to start and often they feel more than a little overwhelmed. Does that also describe you? Does the prospect...
Health: The Foods That Are Most Affected by Pesticides
By now most of us know that buying organic is absolutely essential if we want to put the best food possible into our bodies. It is just plain and simply better for our health and better for the environment, which are inextricably linked anyway...
Health: IMP Taste Enhancer Chemical May be the New MSG
(NaturalNews) Italian researchers have discovered that certain chemicals increase the effectiveness of the taste-enhancing food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG), according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Environment: Using Rainwater Against the Law in Utah
A Utah car dealer, in an effort to do something good for the environment, decided that he would collect rainwater on the roof of a building that would be used for a new water-efficient car wash, ...
Health: Partnership for a Drug-Free America (comic)
(NaturalNews) Ten days ago, I wrote about Ron and Nadine from Living Libations ( who were arrested at the U.S. border for trafficking chocolate ( It turns out the portable drug test kits...
Health: Interview with Sergei Zimin About Modifilan brown seaweed extract
(NaturalNews) Mike: Many of you reading this may have heard about some of the benefits of plants from the ocean and, in particular, brown seaweed. You may have seen some of the recent news stories about the specific constituents of brown seaweed...
Health: Medical Study Ghostwriting Common Throughout Drug Industry
(NaturalNews) Evidence continues to emerge that drug companies commonly conceal their own influence over research on their products by paying respected academics to lend their name as authors of those studies. Due to a lawsuit over the injuries caused...
Regards, Health: Is Cartoon Character Advertising Making American Kids Fat?
Believe it or not it's been nearly seventy-three years since one of the earliest cartoon driven products was advertised to children. Post Cereals discovered their sales for Post Toasties skyrocketing after they licensed a certain adorable...
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
You've Got Great Karma, But How's Your Bank Account?
Read this special report to learn how to be financially wealthy as you live a life of spiritual richness...
I've just posted a special report called The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth. Read it right now at:
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Beyond "The Secret..." More revolutionary than "The Law of Attraction..." The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth reveals the foundational philosophy of attracting (and mindfully redistributing) enormous monetary wealth.
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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