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We've got some exciting news for you today: We've just awarded our third nutrition grant to a fresh produce food bank organization that helps deliver real food to financially disadvantaged families (
Also on the non-profit front, I donated away our distributorship with Elements for Life in order to protect my free speech rights to talk about the company's products (
I've got another independent product review for you today. This time it's about the Genesis Today superfruit liquids. Read that full review here:
Lots of other great stories below, too (quite a list today)...
Breaking News Stories:
• U.S. Government Monitored All Americans: Faxes, Phone Calls, Emails and Internet Communications
• China Beats United States in Achieving Universal Health Care
• U.S. Supreme Court Ends Effort to Criminalize Internet Free Speech via Child Online Protection Act
• Bill Gates Spends $630 Million to Vaccinate Children Against Polio
• Health Ranger Invited as Regular Guest on Robert Scott Bell Radio Show
New Product Reviews:
• Review: New Chapter's "Host Defense" Formulated with 17 Medicinal Mushrooms
Today's Feature Stories:
Product Review: Genesis Today Superfruit Juices: Goji, Acai, Noni and Mangosteen (NaturalNews) Over the last 18 months, Genesis Today has emerged as the market leader for superfruit juices like Goji berri, Acai, Noni and Mangosteen. The company, led by Linsday Duncan, got its start in the nutritional detox and digestive cleanse category... |
Consumer Wellness Center Awards Nutrition Grant to Michigan Non-Profit Delivering Fresh Produce to the Economically Disadvantaged (NaturalNews) The Consumer Wellness Center, led by Executive Director Mike Adams (editor of NaturalNews) has announced its third grant in its Nutrition Grant Program. The Consumer Wellness Center (CWC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to promoting... |
| Inhaler Drugs Increase Risk of Heart Attacks, Death (NaturalNews) People taking inhaled drugs to treat a widespread lung condition may be at increased risk of heart attack and death, according to a Veterans Affairs study conducted by researchers from Wake Forest University and published in the Journal... |
Post-Surgery Recovery Time Shortened by Flowering Plants Giving flowers to cheer one who is sick is a widespread custom throughout the world. Luther Burbank, famous American botanist, horticulturist and pioneer in agricultural science, felt strongly about the healing effects of flowers when he... |
Switching to Coconut Oil can Prevent Diabetes Coconut oil is an ancient super food that has been an essential component to many of the earth's healthiest cultures. Cultures that have consumed high amounts of coconut oil generally have not suffered with diabetes, as well as many other... |
Common Sense Revisited: Looking for a Few Good Men and Women Over two centuries ago, what would become our fledgling nation stood at a crossroads - poised to either submit to continued tyranny by an oppressive and unresponsive government or else bravely rise up and declare their freedom and refusal... |
A Simple Way to Write and Achieve Goals for the New Year A new year is upon us and many people have set good intentions on improving their health and well-being. However, all too often, after only a few short days or weeks of excitement, these good intentions are forgotten and better health just... |
Deadly Bio-Weaponry Build Up Comes to the Heart of the U.S. The powers of the world are in a new arms race far more terrifying in its scope than the race for nuclear weapons. Bio-weaponry and bio-wars are now real threats to the future of the human race. What sounds like the stuff of futuristic science... |
The Food We Eat could have Poison in It If someone were to tell you that there was an element of poison in your plate of food, what would your reaction be? Truth is, we do eat poison. Regularly if not every day. Unless we are informed and aware to begin with, that is. Our food... |
Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke Linked to Fertility Issues in Women It is common knowledge that smoking is a significant source and cause of ill-health. Second-hand smoke, too, has many known harmful effects. One more adverse effect for passive smokers can now be added to the list, with a recent study revealing... |
Another Reason to Get Enough Sleep: Keep Parasites Away Scientists have long puzzled over the reasons sleep is so important. Brian Preston from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and an international team of researchers just published research that backs... |
| Hip Fracture Risk Increases With Vitamin D Deficiency (NaturalNews) Menopausal women with low blood levels of vitamin D are significantly more likely to suffer from hip fractures, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and published in the journal... |
U.S. Made Pet Food Suspect for Dying Dogs in China A Christmas Day post on 'A China Blog' tells a sad story of a pet owner in China whose dog is dying. The dog is suspected to have been poisoned from aflatoxin contaminated U.S. made pet food imported into China. The blog 'A China Blog... |
More Americans are Sick with Multiple Chronic Illnesses A recent study released reveals that more Americans are suffering chronic illnesses today than ever before. In fact, it is common for American people to be burdened by more than three chronic illnesses simultaneously. This situation has... |
Review: Host Defense from New Chapter Delivers Amazing Blend of 17 Medicinal Mushrooms Containing Anti-Cancer Phytochemicals (NaturalNews) Nutritional supplement company New Chapter offers one of the best medicinal mushroom products available today. Did I say "medicinal?" Oops, that's a violation of FDA regulations, it seems. There is no such thing as a "medicinal" mushroom... |
Antipsychotic Drugs Shorten Lifespan of Alzheimer's Patients A UK research study finds that prescribing antipsychotic drugs "off-label" to calm Alzheimer's patients nearly doubles the risk of patient death over three years. New antipsychotic drugs such as Risperdal, Seroquel and Zyprexa are routinely... |
Health Ranger Donates Elements for Life Distributorship in Pursuit of Free Speech (NaturalNews) Since its inception, I've been an advocate for the Elements for Life company, which offers outstanding superfoods through a direct sales distribution model (which its co-founder Adam calls "fractal marketing"). As mentioned previously... |
Americans Drug Their Children with 300 Percent More Psychotropic Meds (NaturalNews) Psychotropic drugs are prescribed to children in the United States at three times the rate of children in Europe, according to one of the first studies to rigorously compare such prescription patterns between different countries. "There... |
Winter Sun Makes it Difficult to Get Essential Vitamin D Naturally As the days grow short in winter, your body may be missing invaluable Vitamin D needed for optimum health and disease prevention, according to Creighton University researcher Joan Lappe, Ph.D. During the summer, the body can convert solar... |
Weight Gain: A New Reason to Get Smokers to Kick the Habit Smoking is bad for health, period. Its ill-effects extend beyond respiratory issues and lung cancer to other parts of the body, too. It, for example, has also been linked in recent studies to bladder cancer and colorectal cancer. And now... |
Insurance Companies and Hospitals Use Personal Data to Deny Services For those people looking for one more reason to stick to their health resolutions for the New Year, The Washington Post reports that... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
I've put together a detailed special report that's now posted for all NaturalNews readers. This report is entitled How to Build Your Financial Safety Net: Twelve Ways to Achieve Prosperity During (and After) the Global Financial Crisis. It's available right now at:
* Why the financial bailout will sharply devalue the dollar
* How to best insulate yourself (and your money) from financial turmoil
* Five things you should never buy (or spend money on) in pursuit of income streams
* How to determine which activities will keep you happy while earning revenue
* The 18 "basic human drivers" that influence ALL consumer purchasing decisions
* How to tap into the 18 human drivers in a way that's profitable and enjoyable
* The five absolute rules of marketing anything (without spending a fortune)
* Seven key ways to generate income streams on any topic
* Key questions to ask yourself that will practically guarantee your success
* Fifteen online resources to help with marketing, customer communications and more
Read it right now at:
You've Got Great Karma, But How's Your Bank Account?
Read this special report to learn how to be financially wealthy as you live a life of spiritual richness...
I've just posted a special report called The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth. Read it right now at:
... and learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and unleash a new philosophy of financial abundance.
Beyond "The Secret..." More revolutionary than "The Law of Attraction..." The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth reveals the foundational philosophy of attracting (and mindfully redistributing) enormous monetary wealth.
Have you subscribed yet to Health Book Summaries, which brings you no-cost summaries of the top books on health, food, nutrition and green living?
Created by Mike Adams and Kevin Gianni, Health Book Summaries now reaches well over 10,000 readers and the response has been phenomenal! Click here to receive our Health Book Summaries at no charge as we announce them (if you haven't already).
"Wow!! I love it. I've already read my first summary. Thank you so much for doing this!" - Bernadette Celi
Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
P.S. Don't miss out on our NaturalNews DrugWatch database: It reveals the side effects and herbal interactions of more than 540 popular brand name drugs. Click the photo below to visit it right now, or click:
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My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.
The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.
"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa
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