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New research reveals that grapeseed extract causes leukemia (cancer) cells to destroy themselves. We've published three stories on grapeseed extract that cover this anti-cancer research as well as preliminary findings that reveal its potential benefits for exercise endurance. Check out these stories:
Grapeseed Extract Kills 76% of Leukemia Cancer Cells in 24 Hours
(reported by Mike Adams)
Grape Seed Extract Kills Leukemia Cells |
(reported by Sherry Baker)
(reported by Mike Adams, about the GSE used in Moxor)
By the way, in two of these stories, I've used the acronym GSE for "grapeseed extract." This has confused a few people because in the world of health products, GSE typically refers to grapefruit seed extract, which is chemically quite different from grapeseed extract. But the GSE acronym is flawed, in my opinion. Grapefruit seed extract should use GFSE, and grapeseed extract should use GSE. Makes a lot more sense, right? That's why I use GSE in the article to refer to grapeseed extract.
Obviously, grapeseed extract comes from grapes, while grapefruit seed extract comes from grapefruit. I just want to clarify all this in case you were wondering why I'm using the acronym "GSE" in the article. A few people, by the way, say that technically "grapeseed extract" should simply be "GE" because it's really only two words. But it is pronounced as three distinct words, so the acronym GSE makes a lot more intuitive sense. So in the world of NaturalNews, GSE means grapeseed extract and GFSE means grapefruit seed extract.
Lots more news below...
P.S. Watch NaturalNews on Friday morning when I'm releasing a hilarious new audio file about the U.S. financial bailout. You'll love this one...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Grapeseed Extract Kills 76% of Leukemia Cancer Cells in 24 Hours (NaturalNews) A new study conducted at the University of Kentucky in the United States, and published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research, found that leukemia cancer cells exposed to grapeseed extract (GSE) were rapidly killed through a process... |
Grape Seed Extract Kills Leukemia Cells Grapes, grape juice and wine made from grapes have been in the news for the last few years -- making headlines for their potential heart protective benefits. Now there's another reason to appreciate the healthy phytochemicals contained in... |
Preliminary Clinical Trial Shows Grapeseed Extract in Moxor Reduces Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress (NaturalNews) A preliminary clinical trial has been completed by Dr. Glenn Vile in conjunction with HortResearch, a New Zealand research institution. Although the number of participants in the trial is small (eleven competitive rowers), the double-blind... |
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New Research Scandal: Scientist's Hidden Tobacco Agenda Exposed Scientific research is sometimes tedious, often exciting and, in some cases, not exactly ethical. A case in point: prominent psychiatrist and strong proponent of anti-depressants, Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., was recently discovered to have... |
Confessions of a pharmacist: What Big Pharma Won't Tell You about Drug Safety (Book Review) (NaturalNews) Pharmacists are walking encyclopedias of knowledge about the dangers of drugs, but most of them follow a pro-Pharma agenda, so they never reveal the deadly truth about how dangerous these drugs can really be to your health. There's only... |
Banks Do Not Keep Reserves Contrary to widely held belief, banks, not the government, create money. It is also widely believed that banks practice "fractional-reserve lending." This is totally false. Banks do not keep reserves. Not only do banks not keep reserves it... |
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Why You Should Avoid Fast Food at All Costs Most people today are usually aware that fast food is not the healthiest or "best" food to eat. Typically, the majority of people eat it several times a week or more. People generally eat fast food for a few main reasons, mostly because it's... |
Dry Skin Brushing: A Natural Way to Detox The toxins that pollute our air and water aren't just an environmental concern. We take these poisons into our bodies every time we take a breath of air, sip a glass of water or take a bite of food. Of course, many people are aware of these... |
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EMFs and Their Potential Harm How concerned should we be about electromagnetic fields (EMFs)? In general, EMFs are probably not the most dangerous or troublesome source of harm people may consider in their daily lives. There are many more blatant sources of harm to one's... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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