Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Huge giveaway of high-end children's vitamins ready to be claimed (your help needed)

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(Please forward this to every schoolteacher, administrator, non-profit group and public service organization you know so that they can take advantage of this huge giveaway of New Chapter whole food complex vitamins for children.)

The health of American schoolchildren is declining rapidly. Diseases that once used to affect only adults (type-2 diabetes, heart disease, etc.) are now happening in pre-teens! And instead of giving our children real nutrition, our medical system seems focused on screening children for mental disorders and putting them on yet more synthetic chemical drugs!

Our children need REAL nutrition. And today, you have an opportunity to make a huge difference in their lives.

How? NewChapter, Vitacost, the Consumer Wellness Center and NaturalNews have teamed up to announce a huge giveaway of hundreds of thousands of servings of NewChapter's EveryKid whole food complexes (multivitamin powders made from real food, not from synthetic chemicals).

The offer is valid for any public or private school, non-profit or social service organization in the United States (including Hawaii and Alaska, of course). Organizations simply pay a nominal shipping charge and must order these EveryKid products in quantities of 108 boxes (each containing 7 servings). The product itself costs you nothing. Quantities are limited, so if you want to take advantage of this, hurry to get your request in.

Instructions: To take advantage of this offer, simply email with your name, organization's name, street address, telephone, email and shipping address. Put "EveryKid Offer" in the subject line. (Valid only in the United States.) A Vitacost representative will provide you with further details on payment for the shipping & handling (which is very reasonable).

You may also wish to read the full announcement here:

This is a very big deal that you will likely never see repeated. Supplies are limited so if you know of a school or organization that should be getting in on this, let them know right away!

Please forward this email to anyone you know who works for a school, non-profit or public service organization that serves children. Through this unique offer brought to you by NewChapter, Vitacost, the Consumer Wellness Center and NaturalNews, they can take advantage of this and acquire large quantities of high-end whole food complex vitamins (made from real food!) for their children, at virtually no cost (just the shipping cost, which is quite low).

I'm thrilled to be able to take part in this announcement, and I personally want to thank NewChapter and for stepping up to the plate and making the decision to do what's right for America's children. This is an announcement that makes no money for any of us, but it's the right thing to do for America's children, and both NewChapter and Vitacost deserve tremendous recognition for their role in making this happen.

How to get EveryKid whole food complexes for your family:

If you're not part of a non-profit or school, and you still want to get these EveryKid whole food complexes for your own children, you can still contribute to the non-profit effort! How? When you purchase a 28-count box of EveryKid whole food complexes from (which are 55% off retail price!), use coupon code NatNews3 and Vitacost will donate a 7-count box to our non-profit Consumer Wellness Center! We will then take those 7-count EveryKid products and distribute them to schoolchildren, helping them improve their nutrition and experience the health benefits of whole food complexes in a great-tasting format!

To take advantage of this, simply order from Vitacost at one of these URLs:


Use coupon code NatNews3 to automatically generate the donation to the Consumer Wellness Center. Thank you for your support!

To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

P.S. I earn nothing from this announcement. There's no profit angle here. This is solely about getting a great nutritional product into the hands of as many children as possible. It's all part of the new "solution-oriented approach" here at NaturalNews, where we focus more on solutions rather than problems. And this offer from NewChapter and Vitacost is a remarkable solution! Take advantage of it. You won't see this repeated.


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