Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Colloidal silver company fights FDA over health freedom (and other news)

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A small colloidal silver supplement company is right now waging an intense legal battle against the FDA and the State of Texas, and in doing so, it's also taking a stand on health freedom that could have huge implications for your own health. Today, NaturalNews contributing writer Tony Isaacs brings you the true story of the Utopia Silver Company and its war over colloidal silver. Read it at: http://www.naturalnews.com/023719.html


I've also posted another entry in my travel log today, bringing you entertaining details about an awesome raw foods cafe in Sarasota, Florida, cop cars powered by McDonald's frying oils, and a maddening encounter with a hotel and its fragrance-infused bed sheets. Read that at: http://www.naturalnews.com/023724.html


Also today: Omega-3s during pregnancy | Cold medicines harm 7,000 children a year | Cloned beef already in the food supply! | Nutrition vs. eye disease | and more...


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- Mike Adams

The Health Ranger

Editor, NaturalNews.com


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- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger


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Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!)

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