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Don't hop on another plane, train or automobile without reading my Twelve Natural Health Tips for Smart Travel. In this article, I list dozens of tips, recommendations and strategies for staying healthy no matter how you travel! (Plus, read my adventurous travel journal, featuring the hilarious Paper Bag Nazi from Whole Foods and the TSA security dude!) Check it out at:
Also today: Children need more vitamin D | Sticky labels on fruit reveal important info | Interview with David Wolfe | Mediterranean Diet for longevity | MRSA infections in Texas | and more...
| Health: Twelve Natural Health Tips for Smart Travel (NaturalNews) Traveling can be hard on your health. Increased stress, changing time zones and difficulty finding healthy food can all negatively impact your health. And if you travel by air, you have the added problems of exposure to airborne pathogens... |
| Health: Obesity Linked to Gum Disease (NaturalNews) The obesity epidemic may be linked to high worldwide rates of gum disease, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Boston University and published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers... |
| Health: Children at Risk From Current Low Vitamin D Recommendations Proponents of using nutrition, supplements and other natural means to obtain and keep optimum health have long warned that the FDA approved minimum daily allowance of some vitamins is woefully inadequate. Now new research backs up that idea... |
| Health: MRSA Infections Becoming Commonplace Among Texas High School Football Players (NaturalNews) Infection with methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is 16 times higher than the national average among Texas high school football players, according to three studies conducted by the Texas Department of Health Services. MRSA... |
| Health: Sticky PLU Labels on Fruit Provide Useful Health Information Who would have imagined that those irritating little labels stuck on fruit would provide helpful information? Their purpose isn't, of course, to help the public. Nonetheless, the codes identify whether fruit is full of pesticides and grown... |
| Health: Pentobarbital Is Killing Eagles But the FDA Says It's Safe for Pets Just when you think you've seen it all and nothing would be too shocking to learn or read about the pet food industry, you stumble across something that causes your jaw to drop. I stumbled across something that proves once again - you can't... |
| Health: Avandia Study Shows 60 Percent Increase in Heart Failure Risk Among Diabetics who Take the Drug (NaturalNews) Seniors who take the popular Type 2 diabetes drug Avandia have a 60 percent higher risk of heart failure than patients who take other diabetes medications, according to a new data analysis conducted by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative... |
| Health: Make Small Changes in Your Diet to Dramatically Improve Your Health How important is your diet to your overall health? A recent study suggests that a healthy diet can add as many as 14 years to your life. This mindset is largely ignored by most people. The good news is that even small changes can make a big... |
| Health: Nutritional Authority David Wolfe Shares Important Diet Information This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, David Wolfe shares the experiences that led him to be a health educator and tips on... |
| Society: The Systematic Destruction of Voting Rights in America (Part 1) You might think you have the right to vote. You might think your vote counts. You might think that there's a problem here or there, but that they're the exceptions. You might think that the 2000 presidential election was an aberration, in... |
| Health: Mediterranean Diet Leads to Lower Mortality, Enhanced Longevity (NaturalNews) Sticking more closely to a Mediterranean diet may lead to a longer life, according to a new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The researchers say that the study is the first to examine a connection between the... |
- Mike Adams
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