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We have an outstanding story for you today about anti-cancer mushrooms. As NaturalNews contributing author Tony Isaacs reports, medicinal mushrooms are some of the most powerful immune system modulators in the world. Many (like Reishi) actually start destroying cancer tumors within minutes after consumption. Read today's feature story for full details (below).
By the way, one of the mushroom sources I recommend is Mushroom Science ( There are others, too, that sell quality mushroom products, including Dragon Herbs ( and New Chapter ( Always look for mushroom extracts. Don't simply buy ground-up mushroom biomass. That form is largely ineffective from a medicinal perspective. In Chinese Medicine, they almost always boil mushrooms in water to extract their active constituents. Also, check out our "secret" beta research page on medicinal mushrooms at:
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Also today: Childhood obesity and heart attacks | Sugary drinks linked to Alzheimer's disease | Gym and fitness myths exposed | Multivitamins explained | and more!
Click any headline to read the full story:
| Health: Mushrooms That Fight Cancer and Boost the Immune System In the world of natural health, "medicinal" mushrooms are known as some of the most potent immune boosters and disease fighters. Perhaps the most potent of all is the Agaricus Blazei Murrill mushroom, known in its native Brazil as "The Mushroom... |
| Health: Overweight Children Show Increased Risk of Heart Attacks, Strokes (NaturalNews) Epidemic obesity among children today will lead to a surge in the occurrence of premature heart attacks in strokes as those children age, according to two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine. In the first study... |
| Health: Australian Government Develops Strategy for Combating Alcohol Abuse The Federal Government in Australia is developing a strategy for combating excessive alcohol consumption, spending $53.5 million dollars on a national strategy. This comes after concern about binge drinking amongst young people, a rise of... |
| Health: Sugary Drink Consumption Linked to Alzheimer's Disease (NaturalNews) High consumption of sugary beverages may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study conducted by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Researchers took mice that were genetically... |
| Health: What You Should Know About Gyms and Fitness Equipment by Craig Pepin Donat This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's The Healthiest Year of Your Life, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Craig Pepin Donat shares on gyms, fitness equipment, prescriptions and "scientific... |
| Health: Multivitamins Explained: Supplementing Can Help You Reach Optimal Health Everyone needs a balanced diet! Everyone requires proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fibers, vitamins, minerals and amino acids every day. The right diet can strengthen the muscles and bones as well as improve overall health. Vitamins are vital... |
| Health: New FDA System to Track Safety of Drugs and Devices U.S. health officials have announced plans for a new computer tracking system that has been designed to help identify specific dangers stemming from prescription drugs and medical devices that are currently on the market. This system would... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
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I'd like to introduce you to an "underground" information source I subscribe to in order to stay up to date on cutting-edge nutritional information. It's a newsletter I've read for years, even long before I started writing for NaturalNews, and I find it to be a wellspring of information about practical, yet powerful health solutions that simply aren't covered in everyday magazines or the mainstream media (MSM). Here, I'll review this publication and reveal why I think it's a tremendous resource for learning about the latest nutritional breakthroughs that can literally cure serious disease while enhancing your health far beyond what you might have thought possible... Click here to continue reading...
Recommendation: "Nutritional Cures" Newsletter Delivers Breakthrough Natural Cures Each Month
Listen to Real Health with Dr. Steve which features multiple guests in a fast-paced, information-rich format. The show is now listed on iTunes and can be accessed directly at:
To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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