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The world is getting crazier by the day, it seems, and today is no different: Did you know that the $800+ billion economic stimulus bill contains a provision creating a Big Brother medical authority in the U.S. government that would track all patient health records in a federal database and dictate the decisions of all doctors across the country?
I wish this were some crazy conspiracy theory, but it's actually written right into the stimulus bill, thanks to efforts by Sen. Tom Daschle. Check out the rest of this story here:
Meanwhile, the famous "women's multivitamin study" being touted in the press as proof that multivitamins are useless is so scientifically flawed that it's laughable anyone would actually quote the study. Read my explanation of this recent example of junk science here:
But many children's vitamins ARE nothing but junk. Check out this story on why children's multivitamins are often no better than candy:
And finally, are you suffering from an irrational fear of peanut butter? I've dubbed this disease, "Pervasive Peanut Butter Avoidance Disorder," and you can read about this new disease sweeping the nation right here:
There's more craziness coming tomorrow. I can already sense it. There's a disturbance in the force... the FDA must be squeezing someone's throat as we speak.
Oh yeah, here it is: Tomorrow you'll read how the FDA is banning Vitamin B6. True story. I'm not making this up.
By the way, I got a lot of angry email from vegans who blasted me for running a story about butter. They were a little too agitated to be true vegans, so I figure they must be sneaking an angry cow burger on the side from time to time. Anyway, they asked for a clarifying (ahem) statement on the butter issue, and here it is: I don't eat butter for lots of reasons, including the fact that butter makes you stink. (As in, odorifiously...) But I think margarine is a scam and if I were going to choose one, I'd choose butter over margarine.
The reason the story ran on NaturalNews is because I like to include articles from people who have a variety of different views on food. I would even publish an article on why eating cheeseburgers and fries is good for you, if only someone who actually followed that practice still had any brains left to write with! <g>
When I post articles about the dangers of red meat, I get hate mail from the meat eaters, too. I was thinking about posting a new article soon that would really confuse all the meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans, all at the same time! The headline? Grass-Fed Artificial Meat Grown in a Vat Fed by Plant Proteins Found to Increase Risk of Some Vegetarians Craving Red Meat.
Try to figure that one out... This is all in fun, of course. I remain a near-100% vegan diet follower myself and wouldn't touch red meat with a ten-foot pole (unless I got paid some bailout money for doing so).
More stories below...
Breaking News
• Women's Multivitamin Study Seriously Flawed, As Usual
• U.S. Government Seeks Control of All Doctors, Patient Medical Records in Hidden Provisions of Stimulus Bill
• Big Pharma's Thalidomide Drug was Actually Developed by Nazi Germany's Chemical Weapons Program
Today's Feature Stories:
Hey, Americans: Are You Suffering from Pervasive Peanut Butter Avoidance Disorder? (NaturalNews) While American consumers are running scared over the possibility of tainted peanut butter, it's worth pointing out that the number of people sickened by salmonella (529 at last count) is absolutely dwarfed by the number of people harmed... |
Children's Vitamins No Healthier than Candy (NaturalNews) Many children's vitamins contain so few nutrients in such low doses that they are no healthier than candy, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Center for Nutritional Education in conjunction with www.supplementscompared... |
How to Lose Weight with Chia Seeds What are chia seeds? What we know as chia seeds are the seeds from the Chia plant, which is a member of the mint family of plants. They do not have a minty taste, in fact they don`t taste of much at all. The benefits of chia lie in its nutritional... |
Drinking Soda Pop Doubles Risk of Kidney Disease Maybe you eat a fairly healthy diet most of the time, so you might assume indulging in two or more cans of your favorite soda pop every day can't be too bad for you. But, especially if you are a woman, you could be setting yourself up for... |
Alcohol-Containing Mouthwashes Strongly Linked to Increased Oral Cancer Risk Top independent experts in Australia have called for mouthwashes that contain alcohol to be immediately removed from store shelves. This is after the experts had looked at latest available scientific information on these products, which suggest... |
Bilberries: The Berry that Enhances Vision Bilberries are tasty, dark blue or purple berries that are related to the blueberry. Native to North America and Europe, the bilberry belongs to the Vaccinium family of herbs. This powerful berry is one of the richest sources of antioxidants... |
Organic Gardening Offers Many Health Benefits and Helps Plants and Animals Many scientific studies have begun to conclude that organic gardening is beneficial for every level of life: soil, plants and animals, insects, water and air quality, as well as our own mental and physical health. Certain conventional farming... |
The Benefits of Oil Pulling Oil pulling is said to be a powerful means of maintaining good health as well as an effective cure for a variety of ills. This is an ancient technique, first described in 5,000-year-old Ayurvedic texts. The practice is simple. Soon after... |
Stimulus Package is Latest Battleground in War between Ron Paul and Big Government A battle is on in the world of economics, a battle that can be symbolized as David vs. Goliath. It is the intellectual and tactical battle between big government and small government. Goliath is big government whether it is headed by George... |
Women's Multivitamin Study Seriously Flawed, As Usual (NaturalNews) A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine claims that multivitamins are useless at preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease in women. The mainstream media has predictably picked up on this story, gleefully running... |
Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill (NaturalNews) The new $800 billion economic stimulus bill contains some striking new "Big Brother" health care language that should give pause to all freedom-loving Americans. For starters, the bill requires the electronic tracking of the medical records... |
Winners Announced for UFO ComicSense Cartoon Dialog Contest (NaturalNews) The winners of the CounterThink ComicSense user-generated dialog contest have been announced. This contest challenged NaturalNews readers to write character dialog for a CounterThink cartoon featuring aliens in a UFO overlooking planet Earth... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
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* The 18 "basic human drivers" that influence ALL consumer purchasing decisions
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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