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What happens in the U.S. now that the economic stimulus bill has been passed by both houses of Congress and is about to be signed by the President? I offer ten sobering predictions in today's feature article:
And why let the politicians have all the fun? Here's how you can create your own personal economic stimulus plan (satire):
If you're about to give birth, think twice about C-sections. Lots of research shows the procedure harms the health of newborns:
Here's a cool article about the history of homeopathy and Abraham Lincoln:
Lots more news below, covering chemicals in your mattress, a new FDA ban and how to halt breast cancer with fruits and vegetables...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Vitamin D Fuels Muscle Power in Teen Girls Although vitamin D is naturally produced in the body through exposure to direct sunlight, vitamin D deficiency is now common in the U.S. The result can be a host of health ills, including severe conditions such as bone thinning osteoporosis... |
Early Repeat C-Sections Linked to Health Complications in Newborns In order to make childbirth a smoother process, many pregnant mothers and their families schedule Caesarean sections a little earlier. However, a recent study has revealed that this could, literally, be a very unhealthy practice, as it greatly... |
Stay Home and Treat Your Cold the Natural Way You know cold season is hitting its peak when crumpled tissues start piling up next to bottles of cough syrup and antibiotics. It seems the moment someone gets the sniffles they feel compelled to visit their doctor, and more often than not... |
The Beat Goes On: Achieve Inner Peace with Binaural Beats A new rock band? The latest root veggie? A faddish way of life that combines a hippie and intellectual lifestyle? Binaural beats are none of the above, but are a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, non-allopathic means to achieve more inner... |
Raw Chocolate: Reasons Why You Should Eat It Is raw chocolate good for you? We might all like to think that it`s great for our bodies, but is this true or not? Here`s a quick rundown on the history of cacao and its possible benefits to raw foodists and anyone who is interested in going... |
Pepitas are a Crunchy Munchy Snack Food full of Nutritional Benefits Giving up those delicious salty snack foods is one of the hardest parts of healthy eating, and getting children to give them up is almost impossible. But what if we could replace them with a crunchy, munchy alternative that offered both great... |
Age-Related Changes in the Brain Slowed With Fitness (NaturalNews) Being more physically fit appears to slow down damage to the brain's memory centers in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Kansas Medical Center and presented at the... |
How to Create Your Own Personal Economic Stimulus Plan (satire) (NaturalNews) Why let Congress have all the fun? You can create your own personal "economic stimulus plan" too. How do you do it? Just follow these five basic steps: Step 1: Write a 1,000 page shopping list of all the stuff you want to buy. Just... |
Ten Sobering Predictions About the Aftermath of the Economic Stimulus Bill (NaturalNews) The Economic Stimulus bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives today, even after amassing a stunning 1,100 pages that no member actually voting on the bill has had time to read ( Is this... |
Vaccine Insanity: Doctors Push Vaccines During Eighth Month of Pregnancy (NaturalNews) Based on the findings of a new study conducted on a small number of patients, vaccine advocates are now recommending that mothers act to vaccinate their infants as early as the second trimester of pregnancy. "Immunize the mother and you... |
Key Nutrients Help Maintain Brain Function throughout Lifetime If you want to stay mentally sharp all your life, new research shows the time to intervene is now. Alzheimer's disease and dementia have complex causes that involve nutritional neglect as well as genetic risk factors and predisposition. Genetic... |
Abraham Lincoln and His Cabinet Appreciated Homeopathic Medicine Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) showed a special interest in and appreciation for homeopathic medicine. In 1854, before Lincoln was elected president, he was retained as a lawyer to prepare a state legislative proposal to charter a homeopathic... |
Two New Studies Document Natural Breast Cancer Fighters A couple of words strike enormous fear in the hearts of countless women: breast cancer. And it's no wonder. American Cancer Society (ACS) statistics reveal it's the most common cancer among women in the United States, other than skin cancer... |
The Tragic Truth behind the Gardasil Nightmare Why have the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries chosen to experiment with the first ever, large scale application of a new, unproven, genetically modified, inter-species gene mixing vaccine technology on the female youth of an entire... |
High Intake of Fruits and Vegetables may Lower Risk of Breast Cancer Relapse The protective effects which one's diet, in particular fruits and vegetables, offers against cancer may, intuitively, seem to apply more to cancers which are related to the gastrointestinal tract, such as colon cancer, stomach cancer or intestinal... |
Mattress Chemicals may be Cause of Your Illness Mattresses today aren't like the ones manufactured forty years ago. Now they come to us manufactured with chemicals that include flame retardants, petroleum based foams, plastics, vinyls, fungicides and pesticides. Most mattresses are made... |
FDA Recommends Ban of Painkiller after Fifty Years At the end of January the FDA held a public hearing to reconsider the safety of Darvon, a painkiller that has been on the market since 1957. The panel voted 14 to 12 in favor of withdrawing the drug from the market, following in the footsteps... |
Skin Brushing and the Lymph System Is skin brushing all it`s cracked out to be? What is it anyway? Well, basically, the idea is that you use a bristly brush, made of natural fibers, to brush dry skin in order to boost circulation, rid the body of toxins, and remove dead skin... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
I've put together a detailed special report that's now posted for all NaturalNews readers. This report is entitled How to Build Your Financial Safety Net: Twelve Ways to Achieve Prosperity During (and After) the Global Financial Crisis. It's available right now at:
* Why the financial bailout will sharply devalue the dollar
* How to best insulate yourself (and your money) from financial turmoil
* Five things you should never buy (or spend money on) in pursuit of income streams
* How to determine which activities will keep you happy while earning revenue
* The 18 "basic human drivers" that influence ALL consumer purchasing decisions
* How to tap into the 18 human drivers in a way that's profitable and enjoyable
* The five absolute rules of marketing anything (without spending a fortune)
* Seven key ways to generate income streams on any topic
* Key questions to ask yourself that will practically guarantee your success
* Fifteen online resources to help with marketing, customer communications and more
Read it right now at:
You've Got Great Karma, But How's Your Bank Account?
Read this special report to learn how to be financially wealthy as you live a life of spiritual richness...
I've just posted a special report called The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth. Read it right now at:
... and learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and unleash a new philosophy of financial abundance.
Beyond "The Secret..." More revolutionary than "The Law of Attraction..." The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth reveals the foundational philosophy of attracting (and mindfully redistributing) enormous monetary wealth.
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
P.S. Don't miss out on our NaturalNews DrugWatch database: It reveals the side effects and herbal interactions of more than 540 popular brand name drugs. Click the photo below to visit it right now, or click:
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My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.
The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.
"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa
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