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Did you know that mixing milk with blueberries effectively suppresses nutritional benefits of those blueberries? And it's not just milk, either: Proteins apparently interfere with the antioxidant properties of blueberries, binding them up in a way that suppresses assimilation. Read the details in today's feature story:
How about this one: Did you know that cancer tumors are actually the LATE stage of the disease, and cancer cells spread throughout the body long before a tumor gets diagnosed?
Today's story reveals why it's crucial to prevent cancer with nutrition, using superfoods and medicinal herbs to halt cancerous cells on a daily basis. Read the details here:
I also have a technology update for you on my private research library, which has grown to 1200 books and is now serving as a lightning-fast research tool for NaturalNews stories. Read up on that, if you're curious about it, here:
There's a lot more news below, including reports on fertility drugs, fermented soy products, biofuels and heart failure. See below for more details...
Breaking News Stories:
• City Workers Accidentally Dump Hydrochloric Acid into Ohio Water Supply Instead of Toxic Fluoride
• Archeologists Unveil Evidence of Chocolate Use in North America 1000 Years Ago
• Student Dies on Nightclub Dance Floor after Chugging Four Red Bull Drinks
• Sen. Daschle's Tax Blunders Reveal Elitist Mentality among Washington Lawmakers
New Product Reviews:
• Electrosmog Detector Lets You "Hear" Electromagnetic Pollution from Mobile Phones and Cell Towers
Today's Feature Stories:
Cancer Spreads Through Body Long Before Tumor Develops (NaturalNews) Seemingly healthy cells may spread to distant parts of the body long before any cancerous tumors are visible, researchers have discovered. This suggests that the virulence of a specific case of cancer might actually be determined early in... |
Milk Destroys Antioxidant Benefits in Blueberries Not much is better than a bowl of fresh blueberries. Bursting with flavor and sweetness, low in calories, and packed with nutrients and antioxidants, these tiny fruits are anti-aging superstars. There is however one word of caution. Blueberries... |
Recognize Toxic Chemicals in Body Care Products A common belief among consumers is that products labeled "natural" must be safe and beneficial to consume or use. Often the ingredient lists on these "natural" products contain chemicals that are unrecognizable and unfamiliar to most people... |
Health Ranger's Health Research Library Grows to 1200 Books; New Books Welcomed from Authors, Publishers (NaturalNews) Over the last 18 months, I've been working hard on building a private research library of natural health books, and it has now become an essential research tool for stories that you'll see published here on NaturalNews. The first story using... |
Fermented Soy is Only Soy Food Fit for Human Consumption Writings about the soybean date back to 3000 B.C., when the Emperor of China listed the virtues of soybean plants for regenerating the soil for future crops. His praises centered on the root of the plant, not the bean. These ancient writing... |
The Effects of Weather on Health and How to Prepare The weather really does affect our moods and health as dramatically as it can affect our roads. Everyone has noticed it to some degree throughout their lives. Folks living in hot climates with the sun looming viciously overhead notice an... |
Two Important Ways to Lower Risk of Heart Failure A man who is obese and inactive can have a risk of getting heart failure which is as much as three times that of a lean and active counterpart, a study conducted at Brigham and Women`s Hospital has found. And heightened heart failure risk... |
FTC Calls for Healthier Food Choices for Children (NaturalNews)"Meaningful" nutrition-based standards need to be applied to all foods that are marketed specifically to children and adolescents, according to a report submitted to Congress by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). "Our study makes a path... |
Senate Passes Health Insurance Bill for Children The Senate has approved legislation to provide health insurance to 11 million low-income children. For the first time ever, this bill will spend federal money to insure children and pregnant women who are legal immigrants. The House approved... |
Hands Free Cell Phone Use Shown to Disorientate Drivers Research is slowly but surely revealing that the use of cell phones is dangerous and may play a large role in the modern day increase in cancer as well as brain diseases such as Alzheimer's. Certain US States and European countries have banned... |
Toxic Household Chemicals: Part I The vast array of toxins and chemicals that are common to many households is cause for concern - both for the environment and for human health. These toxic chemicals can be reduced and even eliminated by first learning about the different... |
Big Pharma's Drugs to be Weaponized to Fight "Mind Wars" on Future Battlefields (NaturalNews) Pharmaceutical products could be employed to boost the performance of one army's soldiers while undermining the minds of those on the other, according to a National Research Council report drafted for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency... |
The High Price of Cheap Ethanol in Brazil Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has a lofty goal. By 2030 he wants his country of Brazil to be the world`s largest biofuel supplier. Brazil wants to supply the world with cheap ethanol from their sugarcane. Many consider ethanol... |
Fertility Drugs May Increase Womb Cancer Risk In a bid to boost their chances of conceiving, many women turn to fertility drugs to increase ovulation. What many of them may not know is that doing so could actually be raising their risk of getting cancer of the womb in the future; a recent... |
Hypnosis and Dissociative Disorders of the Self Think about your daily routine. From the minute you wake up in the morning, to the moment you get back into bed at the end of the day, you generally take on a wide number of different personalities. The way you conduct yourself with your... |
ADM, Monsanto to Study Converting Corn Waste to Biofuels (NaturalNews) Three major agribusiness companies have announced plans to work together on studying whether unharvested corn residue could be used to produce animal feed or biofuels. Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Co., Deere & Co. and Monsanto Co. will... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
I've put together a detailed special report that's now posted for all NaturalNews readers. This report is entitled How to Build Your Financial Safety Net: Twelve Ways to Achieve Prosperity During (and After) the Global Financial Crisis. It's available right now at:
* Why the financial bailout will sharply devalue the dollar
* How to best insulate yourself (and your money) from financial turmoil
* Five things you should never buy (or spend money on) in pursuit of income streams
* How to determine which activities will keep you happy while earning revenue
* The 18 "basic human drivers" that influence ALL consumer purchasing decisions
* How to tap into the 18 human drivers in a way that's profitable and enjoyable
* The five absolute rules of marketing anything (without spending a fortune)
* Seven key ways to generate income streams on any topic
* Key questions to ask yourself that will practically guarantee your success
* Fifteen online resources to help with marketing, customer communications and more
Read it right now at:
You've Got Great Karma, But How's Your Bank Account?
Read this special report to learn how to be financially wealthy as you live a life of spiritual richness...
I've just posted a special report called The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth. Read it right now at:
... and learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and unleash a new philosophy of financial abundance.
Beyond "The Secret..." More revolutionary than "The Law of Attraction..." The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth reveals the foundational philosophy of attracting (and mindfully redistributing) enormous monetary wealth.
Have you subscribed yet to Health Book Summaries, which brings you no-cost summaries of the top books on health, food, nutrition and green living?
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
P.S. Don't miss out on our NaturalNews DrugWatch database: It reveals the side effects and herbal interactions of more than 540 popular brand name drugs. Click the photo below to visit it right now, or click:
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My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public.
The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.
"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa
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