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Are you enjoying the FAKE Olympics? If you're watching the Olympics, much of what you're seeing is totally fabricated. I list several examples in today's feature story, along with a list of other things that are fake about the United States:
Thank you to everyone who participated in our SunWarior Natural Protein Bar Challenge! We are working on the recipe right now, based on your survey votes, and will get back to you soon about whether SunWarrior likes our formulation.
Also today:
* Super nutrition smoothie recipe
* FDA and the suppression of natural HRT
* Fragrances contain toxic chemicals
* The AMA conspiracy
* Vibrational medicine blasts viruses
... and more! It's all right here (click any story to read it now):
| Humor: Are You Enjoying the Fake Olympics? (NaturalNews) Are you enjoying watching the fake Olympics? By "fake," of course, I'm referring to all the fabrications that have emerged since the opening of the event. Each day, it seems, brings news of yet another fabrication by China. Here's a short... |
| Health: Presenting a Nutritionally Dense Smoothie Recipe Most people enjoy drinking smoothies, as they are one of the easiest ways to pack your diet with health enhancing nutrients, in a delicious way. You can put anything in to improve your health and wellbeing. There are many smoothie products... |
| Health: FDA Goes After Natural HRT Alternatives Following Petition From Drug Giant (NaturalNews) The FDA has issued a warning letter to seven pharmacies, instructing them to stop claiming that "bio-identical hormone replacement therapy" (BHRT) is different or safer than conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and to stop selling... |
| Health: Fragrances in Common Household Products Contain Many Toxins Every day, we all try hard to do what is best for ourselves and our families, so it is very disconcerting and worrisome when we discover that everyday products such as laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, soaps and cosmetics, air sanitizers... |
| Technology: The Internet As You Know It Is Slated For Death By 2012 It's probably safe to say that many of you reading this article right now came upon the website while you were roaming around on the internet looking for empowering information to help get healthy or to protect the good health... |
| Health: The AMA Conspiracy to Contain and Eliminate the Practice of Chiropractic The medical profession has a long history of opposing alternative healing professions. While always claiming public safety as its reasons for the attacks, the true reasons involve protecting their monopoly of the health care market. In... |
| Health: V Puts Men's Fertility at Risk, Researchers Warn (NaturalNews) The anti-impotence drug V actually reduces men's fertility by decreasing the ability of their sperm to fertilize an egg, according to a study conducted by researchers at Queen's University Belfast and published in the journal Fertility... |
| Health: Vibrational Medicine: Scientists Kill Viruses by Blasting them with Resonant Frequencies (NaturalNews) Physicists at Arizona State University say they have developed a method to calculate the exact frequency that it would take to shake a virus to death, according to an article published in the journal Physical Review Letters. Researchers... |
| Health: Indian Frankincense Herb Shown to Relieve Osteoarthritis Symptoms An herb known as the "Indian Frankincense" can dramatically improve the symptoms of the most common form of arthritis –- osteoarthritis. What's even more amazing is the treatment appears to provide relief within just one week. That's the... |
| Health: Marine Phytoplankton is Next Revolutionary Superfood for Disease Prevention and Extraordinary Health (NaturalNews) In previous articles and product reviews here on NaturalNews, we've covered some astonishing superfoods. The most impressive of those have been derived from microalgae: Astaxanthin, Chlorella, Spirulina and Blue-Green Algae. Now... |
- Mike Adams
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