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Have you ever tried Steve Adler's Sacred Chocolate? It's a super-premium chocolate superfood, and today we feature an exclusive interview with Steve, where he talks about raw cacao vs. processed chocolate, the "vibration" of high-energy chocolate, and much more:
We also have two more feature stories today: Mortagage Meltdown explained:, and pets are breed profiled for euthanasia:
Also today:
* How to stay health during the Summer
* Man uses sodium nitrite to poison partner
* Climate disaster certain unless we cut carbon emissions to near zero
* Beyond oil - Humorous solutions to the energy crisis
* Article on Bernie Mac by Byron Richards
... and more! It's all right here (click any story to read it now):
| Health: Interview with Steve Adler, Creator of "Sacred Chocolate" from The following is an interview with Steve Adler, creator of Sacred Chocolate. It was conducted at the Raw Spirit Festival, where Steve presents his chocolates each year. Mike: I'm here today with Steve Adler of Naturaw ( |
| Health: 5 Ways to Stay Healthy in the Summer Summer is the time to enjoy being outside and feeling revitalized after the winter. Many people find that they feel healthier and more vibrant during this season. There are many things that will ensure that we enjoy good health and wellbeing... |
| Technology: Psychiatrists Now Calling Excessive E-Mailing a "Mental Illness" (NaturalNews) An editorial published in the American Journal of Psychiatry advocates adding "Internet addiction" to the official U.S. list of psychological disorders, saying that the condition would describe those who spend excessive time on e... |
| Health: Sodium Nitrite Meat Additive Chemical Used to Poison Woman in Lover's Spat (NaturalNews) A Missouri woman named Angie Hausler was poisoned with the food additive sodium nitrite by a woman who wanted a chance at her husband. Tina Vazquez told police that she filled a capsule with sodium nitrate and gave it to Angie Hausler... |
| Society: Mortgage Meltdown Shows Americans Are Unable to Benefit From Experience As many victims of the mortgage crisis continue their fancy footwork to stay one step ahead of foreclosure, others who owe more than their houses are worth have just given up and mailed the keys back to their lenders. Although mainstream... |
| Health: Certain Pets Targeted for Euthanization Because of Breed Profiling A recent article in the Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville, TN newspaper has got the fur flying. The Leaf Chronicle reported on euthanizing procedures for the county Animal Control. Horrendous standard procedures flatly euthanize particular... |
| Environment: Carbon Emissions Must be Cut to Near Zero to Avert Climate Disaster, Warn Researchers (NaturalNews) A series of recently published studies have determined that humanity must cease all emission of carbon dioxide by 2050 to avoid catastrophic climate change. Currently, humans are responsible for roughly 10 billion tons of carbon emissions... |
| Health: A Healthy Heart Equals a Healthy Sex Life Research has shown that there is a significant link between having a healthy heart (with the absence of cardiovascular disease), and having an active and fulfilling sex life. If we want to enjoy our sexuality to its fullest then taking care... |
| Health: Animal Experiment Researcher's Home Firebombed by Animal Rights Activists (NaturalNews) An incendiary device was set off at the front door of University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) professor Edythe London's home on February 5, in the second vandalism of her home in four months. While the property was damaged, no one... |
| Technology: Armed, Autonomous Robots "A Threat to Humanity" (NaturalNews) An artificial intelligence professor has warned that the trend toward creating autonomous killer robots for battlefield use poses "a threat to humanity." Noel Sharkey of the University of Sheffield said that military leaders in several... |
| Health: Jesse Connone, of The Healthy Back Institute, Shares Why Back Pain Occurs This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Jesse Connone discusses the biggest mistake people with back pain make. The... |
| Humor: Beyond Oil: Unconventional Solutions to the U.S. Energy Crisis (satire) (NaturalNews) When it comes to the energy problem facing Western civilization today, there's a lot of talk in Washington about doing something. But that's all it is: Talk. Senate talk. Congress talk. Presidential talk. Yabbing, jabbing, jawing poppycock... |
| Health: Bernie Mac - Death by Medicine? Before the dust settles on the Bernie Mac tragedy it is important for everyone to understand two things: 1) It is abnormal to die from pneumonia at age 50. And 2) There are millions of Americans with autoimmune problems of one type or another at risk... |
| Health: Energy Crisis Solved by U.S. Senate (comic) (NaturalNews) When it comes to the energy problem facing Western civilization today, there's a lot of talk in Washington about doing something. But that's all it is: Talk. Senate talk. Congress talk. Presidential talk. Yabbing, jabbing, jawing poppycock... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
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- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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