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As infertility rates skyrocket, it turns out that conventional infertility treatments are pure quackery, based on zero hard science. Read the details in my story today which also explains why mainstream consumers are only 2-3 generations away from becoming extinct and winning the collective Darwin Award by removing their genes from the gene pool. Check it out at:
We also have a fascinating article for you today about the healing properties of purple corn (yes, it's better for you than yellow corn):
Plus, check out stories today on Cranberry Juice | Prenetal Mediterranean Diet | Fibromyalgia disease mongering by Big Pharma | and more!
Click any headline below to read the full story:
| Health: Conventional Infertility Treatments "Useless" Even As Fertility Rates Plummet for Mainstream Toxic Consumers (NaturalNews) Research on conventional infertility treatments that monitored the results of 580 couples found such treatments to have absolutely no benefit. Conducted in Scotland, the research involved five hospitals providing artificial insemination... |
| Health: Scientists Discover Exactly How Cranberry Juice Fights Infections For decades, the idea that drinking cranberry juice could prevent or treat urinary tract infections was greeted with doubt and sometimes even sarcasm by doctors who considered this an "old wives' tale". But in recent years, studies have shown... |
| Health: Prenatal Mediterranean Diet Cuts Risk of Asthma, Allergies in Children (NaturalNews) Women who eat a Mediterranean diet while pregnant appear to reduce their children's risk of developing allergies and asthma, while those who eat more red meat appear to increase it, according to a study conducted by researchers from the... |
| Health: The Healing Properties of Purple Corn Purple corn is a Peruvian super food cultivated in coastal areas, as well as in mountains of almost ten thousand feet. There are very few purple plants found in nature, and so for people who are looking to eat a true rainbow diet, purple... |
| Health: Drug Companies Push New Medications for Fibromyalgia Via Disease Mongering Campaigns (NaturalNews) Pfizer has launched a television advertising campaign to push its medicine for fibromyalgia, even though the disease's existence is disputed by some doctors. In the ad, a middle-aged woman reads out loud from her diary, saying, "Today... |
| Society: Peaceful Protesters Become Terrorists in a Federal Database According to documents released on Thursday, July 17, 2008, undercover state troopers in Maryland infiltrated at least three groups peacefully protesting the death penalty and advocating peace. These troopers illegally sent reports of the... |
| Health: Breaking Free of the Cave May Save Your Life The ancient philosopher Plato (circa 427 - 347 BC), wrote many astounding works. One of his largest, The Republic, contains the oft-referred to Allegory of the Cave. If you are unfamiliar with the work, here is a good artist's rendition of... |
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