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We received a tremendous amount of positive response on our story yesterday about Christina Applegate's double mastectomy (especially from women). If you didn't read the section at the end about empowering women with knowledge and how the drug industry wants to keep women ignorant, barefoot and diseased, then you'll want to read it now:
Today we bring you news of Olympian Michael Phelps' sellout to Kellogg's, where he will be pushing breakfast cereals made with refined, processed sugars that are linked to obesity and diabetes. In doing this, Michael "Sellout" Phelps has joined the ranks of other disappointing celebrities who use their fame to line their pockets at the expense of the health and wellbeing of their own fans. The degree of corporate commercialism in the Olympics today is simply disgusting. Read the details of this development in today's feature story:
Also today:
* Mobile phone radiation to unleash an epidemic of brain tumors
* Why smart parents refuse vaccines for their children
* Is your local medicine shop selling counterfeit drugs?
* Accelerated heart surgery recovery with nutrition
* Biofuels pose danger to environment
... and more! It's all right here (click any story to read it now):
P.S. I'm also experimenting with Twitter, so if you want to follow me on Twitter, you can do that at
Health: Phelps Trades Olympic Gold for Processed Sugar: Endorsement of Frosted Flakes Earns Harsh Criticism (NaturalNews) Super-Olympian Michael Phelps, who famously follows a horrendous junk food diet, has now signed a lucrative deal to promote Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes. In doing so, he will leverage his celebrity status to push sugary, processed... |
Health: Mobile Phone Radiation to Unleash Epidemic of Brain Tumors (NaturalNews) A new review of more than 100 studies on the safety of mobile phones has concluded that cellular devices are poised to cause an epidemic of brain tumors that will kill more people than smoking or asbestos. The review was conducted by... |
Society: Bush Administration Rushes to Change Workplace Toxin Regulations Before End of Term In the final months of the Bush administration, the Department of Labor is pushing through a rule that will make it harder to regulate workers' on-the-job exposure to chemicals and toxins. Instead of disclosing their proposal (as required... |
Health: Intelligent, Informed Parents Are Refusing to Give Their Children Vaccines (NaturalNews) The number of middle-class parents refusing to vaccinate their children according to U.K. government guidelines is on the rise, the Daily Mail has reported. Among these parents are Paul and Karen Sullivan, who stopped vaccinating... |
Health: Is the Pharm Near You Selling Counterfeit Drugs? The FDA has just issued a press release warning consumers who had prescriptions filled at two different "The Medicine Shoppe" stores located in Baltimore (8035A Liberty... |
Health: Cardiac Patients Recover Better With Heart Surgery Nutrition It is called heart surgery nutrition and this is an easy way that cardiac patients can do something effective to improve their medical outcomes. Recent medical research is now showing that heart surgery nutrition is a very important way to... |
Environment: Scientists Warn Against Sudden Shift to Biofuels; Climate May be Harmed, not Helped (NaturalNews) Scientists have increasingly warned that a hasty switch from fossil fuels to biofuels may actually accelerate global warming rather than helping to avert it, leading U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown to declare his opposition to new European... |
Health: Christina Applegate Maimed by Surgeons with Double Mastectomy Following Breast Cancer Diagnosis (NaturalNews) Following her diagnosis with breast cancer, actress Christina Applegate decided to have both of her breasts surgically removed, believing that physically removing her breasts would save her from cancer. The double mastectomy procedure is... |
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