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Was the Sarah Palin pick a brilliant strategic move for McCain, or what? Here's a woman who looks like a Democrat, but votes like a Republican. Did you know she's pro-drilling and anti polar bear? Get this: She also believes global warming isn't caused by man! You gotta be living on Mars not to understand Earth's global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels. But Palin is from Alaska, not Mars.
Today's satire article pokes fun at this fascinating VP pick by McCain:
Speaking of poking fun, I never announced my Friday satire article, which covers the plight of uninsured Americans and the California hospital strike:
By the way, I've been drinking fresh, organic veggie juice from my garden - three times a day - for a whole month and I haven't even gone to the grocery store! Wanna join me? Come to Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Three NaturalNews readers have already bought property here, and this is where I'm holding future health retreats. It's become a green paradise in South America. Contact Joe at for details (, or see my photo tour at:
Breaking news for today:
* Flu shot "totally worthless" at reducing death risk in elderly:
* Magnesium sulfate slashes risk of cerebral palsy by 50 percent:
* Cancer spread through body long before tumors develop
Feature stories for today include:
* Ron Paul kicks off campaign for liberty:
* PETA offers $1 million reward for artificial meat:
* FDA seizes pet food from Petco
* Germany bans eight pesticides:
... and more! It's all right here (click any story to read it now):
| Health: McCain's Choice of Sarah Palin Has One Real Advantage: Great Skin Tone! (satire) (NaturalNews) In a seemingly brilliant political move, John McCain has selected Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. She's 44 years old, which makes the average age of the pair somewhere around 75. Their average IQ is, thankfully, slightly higher. Of... |
| Health: Ron Paul Kicks Off Campaign for Liberty, August 31 to September 2 Remember Ron Paul, the candidate who annoyed reporters, the left and the right by trying to talk about the real issues facing Americans during the presidential contender's debate? Although he gets very little media coverage aside from ridicule... |
| Health: PETA Offers $1 Million Prize to Producer of Artificial Meat (NaturalNews) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has announced plans to offer $1 million to the "first person to come up with a method to produce commercially viable quantities of in vitro meat at competitive prices by 2012." In vitro... |
| Health: The Miracle of Fasting (Part 3) - Creating a Detoxifying Bath The classic method of detoxification is to travel to a health spa, most of which have one thing in common: a source of clean water. They basically provide a really expensive bath. These are helpful, and during a fast, you may feel bored because... |
| Health: Obese People to Blame for Accelerating Global Warming? (NaturalNews) The weight and consumption habits of the overweight and obese are worsening the pace of global warming, said two researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in a letter to the medical journal Lancet. It takes... |
| Health: Dhrumil Purohit Gives 6 Tips on Having a Beautiful Relationship With Food This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Dhrumil Purohit talks about what it means to have a beautiful relationship with food and how... |
| Humor: Health Update: Grazing Animals, Uninsured Americans and the California Hospital Strike (satire) (NaturalNews) A Google Earth study released this week reveals that grazing animals tend to align themselves with the Earth's magnetic field, explaining why they often seem to face the same direction when grazing in fields. This is fascinating science... |
| Health: Vegan Diet Reduces Risk of Arthritis, Heart Attack and Stroke (NaturalNews) Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, have published a study in the journal Arthritis Research and Therapy showing that eating a vegan, gluten-free diet may reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in... |
| Health: Studies Show That Maca Boosts Sex Drive Maca is a cruciferous vegetable that has been used in Peru for thousands of years as a food as well as for its libido boosting, health enhancing properties and high nutritional content. Maca can actually be traced back to the Incan empire... |
| Health: Prominent Neurosurgeons Fear Cell Phone Use Causes Brain Tumors (NaturalNews) Three prominent neurosurgeons recently said on the CNN interview show Larry King Live that they refuse to place cellular phones directly against their heads, for fear of brain tumors. CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta and Los... |
| Health: FDA Seizes Pet Foods From Petco Distribution Center Warehousing and storage of pet foods is out of the manufacturer's control once it leaves their facilities. Pet owners must rely on conscientious distributors to warehouse the food properly. Unfortunately, not every distributor is conscientious... |
| Health: Germany Bans Eight Pesticides Linked to Honeybee Population Collapse; Clothianidin Chemical Found Contaminating Dead Bees (NaturalNews) The German government has provisionally banned a family of pesticides conclusively linked to the massive dieoff of honeybees in a southern state. "It's a real bee emergency," said Manfred Hederer, president of the German Professional... |
| Health: No End Seen to Cartel's Destruction of Food Capacity Farmers are blasting the role of the food cartels in destroying farm output capacity, creating food shortages and producing monopolistic conditions. In a recent interview for Executive Intelligence Review, Frank Endres, board member... |
- Mike Adams
The Health Ranger
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Health: NaturalNews Releases Photo Tour of the Valley of Longevity: Vilcabamba, Ecuador (NaturalNews) In response to the growing interest in South American destinations for tourism and abundant living, I've put together a breathtaking photo tour of the town of Vilcabamba, the Valley of Longevity and the Hacienda San Joaquin ranch... |
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- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs and natural therapies.
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