Saturday, October 25, 2008

Health freedom update from the Health Ranger (important)

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( newsletter

RE: Important health freedom update

Dear NaturalNews readers,

The FDA and FTC have stepped up their attacks on your health freedoms over the last few months, possibly in anticipation of an Obama victory in the upcoming elections. It is believed by many in Washington that an Obama victory would result in significant changes at the FDA and FTC, possibly even major reforms. I urge caution on this point, however, by mentioning that BOTH candidates have strong financial ties to Big Pharma, and the only Presidential contender who ever truly understood health freedom was Rep. Ron Paul (who, unfortunately, isn't even on the ballot).


Nevertheless, in anticipation of a possible Obama win, the FDA and FTC are now greatly increasing their attacks on small health supplement companies. Here at NaturalNews, I've personally interviewed the founders of many such companies and have documented the following:


* The FTC is now confiscating customer lists from health supplement companies! This appears to be an effort to compile some sort of "master list" of health supplement consumers who may be contacted by the federal government at some future date with an invitation to file complaints against the health supplement companies they purchased products from. (Note, of course, that the federal government would never take such action against drug companies.)


* The FDA is running an extortion racket that targets small companies and threatens their founders with imprisonment if they don't admit to crimes they never committed (such as selling "adulterated" drugs, which are really just fruits and herbs). This was documented in my recent story:


* Efforts are underway to ban stevia! The FDA has now received a petition from a Washington law firm that petitions it to declare stevia a DRUG and ban its sale or importation into the United States. See:


* The FDA is now banning the posting of customer testimonials on health product websites, even when those testimonials make no health claims! (This is a direct violation of Free Speech.)


The truth about the FDA / Big Pharma conspiracy


These efforts are all part of a malicious conspiracy between the FDA / FTC and drug companies to enforce nutritionally illiteracy across the nation, to outlaw natural supplements and to put natural health companies out of business by terrorizing them with threats of imprisonment and product confiscation.


In essence, the FDA and FTC have declared war on the American people, and they are using every deceptive tactic they can think of to suppress the truth about the astonishing healing powers of nutritional supplements. The cancer industry has joined in this effort to keep women nutritionally illiterate (about things like vitamin D, for example) while funneling them into cancer "detection" centers that actually CAUSE cancer (mammography) so that they can generate obscene profits by exploiting the bodies of women. Even the pink ribbon fundraising fraud is all about recruiting women for chemotherapy and cancer surgery. Read the truth here:


And this doesn't even mention the vaccine war, where Americans who attempt to protect their children from vaccines are now being branded criminals, threatened with having their children taken away from them if they don't submit to having them injected with a brew of toxic -- and even deadly -- chemicals called "vaccines." This battle is raging in New Jersey, where medicine is now being administered to people at gunpoint. See


NaturalNews is fighting for your health freedom


Here are NaturalNews, we are fighting for your health freedom. I dislike the word "fighting" because it denotes violence (and we are a non-violent organization), but as much as I believe in keeping a positive attitude about the world, the truth is that health product companies are now being assaulted at gunpoint by a rogue government agency that's acting as economic hit men for Big Pharma.


Whether you like the terminology or not, the FDA is at war against the natural health industry, and that means it's at war with Mother Nature and the People.


Our role in this war is to help defend your natural-born rights to pursue health and happiness. You have a natural right to accurate information about supplements, herbs, homeopathy, superfoods and functional foods. You have a natural right to say no to vaccines, chemotherapy and mammography. You have a natural right to access the health products you freely choose as an informed, free citizen.


And yet it is these very rights that are now threatened by the FDA and FTC, both of whom are acting in the interests of the corporations while outright betraying the American people they were sworn to protect.


Here's what we're doing right now to help defend and protect your health freedoms:


* Interviewing companies being targeted by the FDA


We are currently conducting interviews with companies that have been targeted by the FTC and FDA. Many are too afraid to go on the record and tell their stories, but off the record, they spill out true accounts of receiving verbal threats from FDA agents at trade shows, receiving threatening phone calls, having their computers hacked on a regular basis and even being kicked out of trade shows for displaying product brochures that cite scientific studies!


* Publishing true stories about the FDA and FTC


NaturalNews is the only news website in the world publishing true, uncensored and well-documented stories that openly describe the crimes being committed by the FDA against the American people. We are publishing the stories that the NY Times and Washington Post should be publishing if they weren't already corrupted by Big Pharma advertising money. The mainstream media, as usual, remains silent. "There's no truth in the news, and there's no news in the truth."


* Support health freedom organizations


NaturalNews openly supports the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) and its petition to reform the FDA ( We also support the Organic Consumers Association ( and other similar non-profits that are fighting to protect consumers from rogue government agencies now pursuing an agenda of censorship, nutritional illiteracy and health suppression.


* Raising funds for health freedom


We are also actively raising funds for health freedom in innovative ways. Next week, we'll be publicly announcing our partnership with Moxor, a new health supplement company offering an amazing, high-potency marine omega-3 oil grown in aquaculture farms in New Zealand. This is the first nutritional product company we've ever had a stake in, and we've already pledged 50% of the income to crucial initiatives that will fight for your health freedom.


If you'd like to join Moxor and experience the benefits of this new marine omega-3 supplement while supporting our health freedom fundraising efforts, you can listen to my presentation on Moxor here:


You can also read my article on Moxor here:


If you're ready to join our team, you can enroll directly with the NaturalNews team here:


Or, if you want to speak with someone already on the NaturalNews team, you'll find them listed here:


A significant portion of every dollar you spend with Moxor goes to help fund our aggressive health freedom campaigns that aim to reestablish health freedom for ALL Americans.


What else can you do to support health freedom?


To really protect your health freedom, it is crucial that you contact your representatives in your government and start demanding reforms that protect your health freedom. This is true no matter where you live: USA, Canada, Australia, UK, etc. Health freedoms are under attack everywhere.


To use a Lord of the Rings analogy, the Dark Lord Sauron (that's Big Pharma) has spread darkness over the land, and his Orcs (those would be FDA agents) have cut down the forests, polluted the rivers and enslaved the People. Ultimately, truth and light will prevail, but this will not happen without a concerted effort on the part of the People to pierce the darkness with truth and knowledge, invigorated by the insistence that we stand up for our natural-born rights and freedoms.


To accomplish this, you must contact your representatives in Washington (or your own capitol). Fax, email or call them and insist:


* That the FDA be investigated for corruption, then completely overhauled and reformed. Arrests should be made for various white-collar crimes committed by the FDA leadership!


* That direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs be permanently banned.


* That the Health Freedom Protection Act (HFPA) be passed and signed into law. This would establish new Free Speech rights for health supplement companies and end the reign of terror by the FDA and FTC.


* That the FDA's monopoly market protection on Big Pharma's drugs be ended, allowing U.S. cities, states and citizens to purchase their medicines from Canada and other countries at far more competitive prices, if they choose.


* That stevia be approved for use in foods. Aspartame should be banned. MSG should come with a warning label. Sodium nitrite should be outlawed. It's time to stop poisoning our population with dangerous chemical food additives!


* That junk food advertising be banned outright! No harmful food or beverage should be allowed to purchase advertisements on television, cable, newspapers, magazines or the internet. Only natural, health-supporting substances should be allowed to be advertised to the public.


* That you oppose Codex and the international effort to outlaw nutritional supplements and natural medicines. If Codex were recognized in the United States, it would be the final nail in the coffin for the health freedoms of American citizens. That's why they're pushing it so hard!


This is the very minimum of what needs to happen to begin to restore health freedom to our world.


Get on board. Take action now. We are at the point where we must either stand up and demand our health freedoms or risk losing them forever.


NaturalNews is fighting for your health freedoms, and we're doing it on a very tight budget, with zero support from the mainstream media.


If you'd like to help us, here's what you can do:


* Forward this email to others. Let them know what the FDA and FTC are really doing to destroy their freedoms.


* Forward key NaturalNews articles to those who you think need to read them. You may also forward our cartoons or even post them on your website (with credit, please).


* Join our Moxor team and experience the benefits of a phenomenal new marine omega-3 supplement while even earning extra income for yourself. Read the details at:


* Support natural health companies that are fighting for your freedoms. These include Wellness Resources (, the Life Extension Foundation (, Daniel Chapter One (, Native Essence Herbs (, Mushroom Science ( and other honest supplement companies. These companies all believe in health freedom, and your ongoing support helps them succeed even as they are being attacked by the FDA or FTC. (Many of these companies are being threatened right now.)


Health Freedom is worth fighting for. It's not going to be GIVEN to you by any corporation, government or institution. You're going to have to TAKE your freedoms back from those who have stolen them from you. Take action now. Help support NaturalNews and the entire health freedom movement.


If we fail to end the FDA's reign of terror against health supplement companies, all health supplements will eventually be outlawed. Vitamin C will be declared a drug, and you'll need a doctor's prescription to buy herbs. Many herbalists will be imprisoned, giving speeches about nutrition will be a criminal act, fruit orchards used to make fruit concentrates will be leveled and virtually the entire natural health industry will be decimated. The nation would then be under the complete control of the criminals running Big Pharma, the FDA and the cancer industry.


You can probably imagine how dark a future that would be.


This is what's at stake here. Right now, we have the chance to reshape our future and regain our health freedoms. Please support NaturalNews in our efforts to help accomplish this important goal.


Thank you for your support and your goodwill. I remain at the service of NaturalNews readers and will continue to dedicate my life to fighting for your health freedoms.


Thank you,

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Editor of


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